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Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.893353 Composed by Babs Gonzalez and Horace Silver. Arranged by Rob Ames. Contemporary. Score. 6 pages. Rob Ames #6273899. Published by Rob Ames (A0.893353). Color-coded Lead Sheets for Jazz Combo. Separate lead sheets for Concert instruments and Bb instruments included with purchase.  Color allows quick understanding of the sections and form of the tune, the rhythmic hits, and the counter-melodies. Special care has been taken to clearly indicate intros, sections, solos, and codas/outros. These form-based markings are in GREEN.  Special care has also been taken to notate the rhythmic hits. Hits are often partially or completely missing from standard fake book versions of the tune. Hits are notated above the staff, in RED. Finally, any counter-melodies or harmonies appear in reduced size, in BLUE.
The Preacher
Piano, Voix

$4.99 4.73 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Ensemble,String Quintet Cello,Double Bass,Viola,Violin - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1048366 Composed by Julia Ward Howe. Arranged by Henrique F Mangoni. Patriotic,Praise & Worship,Traditional. Score and parts. 16 pages. Henrique Franke Mangoni #652802. Published by Henrique Franke Mangoni (A0.1048366). Celebrate Independence Day with music! Battle Hymn of the Republic, one of the best 4th of July songs for a patriotic holiday. This traditional song is arranged for intermediate string quintet. This edition includes full score plus individual parts. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel (Henrique F Mangoni) to know more about my work! - 4th of july music, 4th of july songs, fourth of july songs, best 4th of july songs, children's 4th of july songs, best fourth of july songs, fourth of july music, 4th of july songs preschool, top july 4th songs, 4th of july sheet music, 4th of july string quintet.
Battle Hymn of the Republic

$14.99 14.2 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Ensemble,String Quintet Cello,Double Bass,Viola,Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1046954 Composed by Samuel Ward. Arranged by Henrique F Mangoni. Patriotic,Traditional. Score and parts. 10 pages. Henrique Franke Mangoni #651463. Published by Henrique Franke Mangoni (A0.1046954). Celebrate Independence Day with music! America, The Beautiful, one of the best 4th of July songs for a patriotic holiday. This traditional song is arranged for easy intermediate string quintet. This edition includes full score plus individual parts. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel (Henrique F Mangoni) to know more about my work! - 4th of july music, 4th of july songs, fourth of july songs, best 4th of july songs, children's 4th of july songs, best fourth of july songs, fourth of july music, 4th of july songs preschool, top july 4th songs, 4th of july sheet music, 4th of july string quintet.
America, The Beautiful

$14.99 14.2 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Quintus - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q6145 Marienvesper. Composed by Claudio Monteverdi. This edition: separate part. Eulenburg Orchestral Series. Downloadable, Individual part. Duration 70 minutes. Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH - Digital #Q6145. Published by Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH - Digital (S9.Q6145). Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610 is a work which has both fascinated and perplexed musicologists and performers for many years. It forms by far the larger part of the composer's first significant publication of sacred music, entitled: 'Of the most blessed virgin a Mass for six voices for church choirs, and Vespers for more voices with several sacred concertos suitable for princely chapels or apartments'. By the time this publication appeared, Monteverdi had been in the service of the Gonzaga court at Mantua for at least 18 years, and he was seeking a change of employment, so that the dedication of the volume to the reigning pope, Paul V, may be interpreted as a form of self-advertisement. Originally issued as an Urtext study score, the edition is based closely on the extant printed source, the set of partbooks published at Venice in 1610, and retains the original note values, key and mensuration signatures.
Vespro della Beata Vergine
the time this publication appeared, Monteverdi had been in the service of the Gonzaga court at Mantua for at least 18 years, and he was seeking a change of employment, so that the dedication of the volume to the reigning pope, Paul V, may be interpreted as a form of self-advertisement Originally issued as an Urtext study score, the edition is based closely on the extant printed source, the set of partbooks published at Venice in 1610, and retains the original note values, key and mensuration signatures
$3.99 3.78 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Accordion,Double Bass,Guitar - Digital Download SKU: A0.1068891 By Lars Ek. By Pietro Frosini. Arranged by Lars Ek. Folk,Multicultural,World. Full Performance. Duration 220. Lars Ek Cosmos Music c/o Musik & UnderhĂ„llningsskrĂ€dderiet AB #1921483. Published by Lars Ek Cosmos Music c/o Musik & UnderhĂ„llningsskrĂ€dderiet AB (A0.1068891). NĂ„got hĂ€pnadsvĂ€ckande har hĂ€nt i den svenska dragspelsvĂ€rlden de senaste Ă„ren, vi har fĂ„tt en ny idol. Det Ă€r hĂ€pnadsvĂ€ckande pĂ„ tvĂ„ olika sĂ€tt: för oss som kan dragspelsvĂ€rlden Ă€r det ett faktum att Lars Ek har varit med som professionell dragspelare i snart 20 Ă„r, sedan han slutade skolan, för det andra: han har blivit en idol som spelar musik och i en stil som har sina rötter 50 Ă„r tillbaka i dragspelsmusikens historia. Man kan sĂ€ga att Lars Ek, idag 35 Ă„r, borde ha varit 85 Ă„r, verksam pĂ„ 30-talet. SjĂ€lv erkĂ€nner han att han kĂ€nner en slags hemlig lĂ€ngtan tillbaka till en tid dĂ„ dragspelare var ekvilibrister, dĂ„ dragspelare spelade pĂ„ ett briljant sĂ€tt, den guldĂ„lder det var för all dragspelsmusik över hela vĂ€rlden, en tid som vi aldrig kommer att möta igen. Det Ă€r en typ av musik som Ă€r historisk men som inte hör hemma pĂ„ museerna, inte död, det Ă€r en typisk musik fylld av liv. Mycket tack vare Lars Ek. Det Ă€r en ganska anmĂ€rkningsvĂ€rd situation. Lars Ek har spelat dragspel lĂ€nge, han har spelat all typ av musik som kan spelas pĂ„ dragspel. För bara nĂ„gra Ă„r sedan kom han i kontakt med Nils Lind och Ragge Sundquist (tvĂ„ legendariska svenska artister frĂ„n 30- och 40-talen, bĂ„da döda sedan lĂ€nge – de grundade bĂ„da en skola och en stil) och naturligtvis ocksĂ„ Frosini. Och dĂ„, Ă€ntligen, kĂ€nde Lars Ek att det var just hĂ€r, i den hĂ€r stilen, som han hörde hemma. Lars Ek kom Ă€ntligen hem. En del slarviga lyssnare sĂ€ger att Lars Ek kopierar Nils Linds musik. Det Ă€r lyssnare som inte lyssnar. Andra sĂ€ger att Lars Ă€r en galning - han spelar pĂ„ ett dragspel av mĂ€rket Raggie Sundquist frĂ„n 1937 och sedan ett par Ă„r Ă€ger och spelar han ocksĂ„ pĂ„ ett dragspel som en gĂ„ng Ă€gdes av Pietro Frosini, tillverkat 1927. Det Ă€r inte mani. Stilen efterfrĂ„gar sĂ„dana instrument. Det Ă€r mest korrekt pĂ„ det sĂ€ttet. Lars Ek har blivit otroligt populĂ€r. Det finns mĂ„nga anledningar. Han har massor av personlighet, han Ă€r en scenpersonlighet, han visar entusiasm och glĂ€dje nĂ€r han upptrĂ€der, han vet hur man lockar en publik (och tjejerna sĂ€ger att han Ă€r vĂ€ldigt snygg). En annan anledning Ă€r att musiken som Lars framför fĂ„r mycket respons frĂ„n publiken. Och snĂ€lla, tro inte att det bara Ă€r de gamla som var med pĂ„ 30-talet som Ă€lskar musiken - det gör Ă€ven de unga! Lars Ek x 2 heter skivan. Förklaringen Ă€r enkel. Lars kunde inte hitta nĂ„gon andra dragspelare som kunde hjĂ€lpa honom. SĂ„ tack vare tekniken Ă€r han sjĂ€lv sin egen andra dragspelare i fem av de lĂ„tar som framförs. Det finns ytterligare en förklaring. Lars framför melodier kopplade till namn som Nils Lind, Ragge Sundquist och Frosini, men han spelar ocksĂ„ fem egna kompositioner. Bara för att visa hur han vill att dragspelsmusik ska vara komponerad. Lars Ek behöver ingen rekommendation, hans skivor sĂ€ljer Ă€ndĂ„. Men du kommer att fĂ„ nĂ„gra sista ord. Den hĂ€r skivan Ă€r, stilmĂ€ssigt, vĂ€ldigt sĂ€llsynt att vara inspelad 1982, det gĂ€ller att blicka bakĂ„t och att göra det med stor skicklighet, en tillbakablick pĂ„ dragspelets guldĂ„lder. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ en vĂ€ldigt personlig skiva. InspirationskĂ€llan kan mycket vĂ€l vara Nils Lind, Ragge Sundquist och Pietro Frosini. Men det Ă€r Lars Ek som spelar. PĂ„ sitt personliga sĂ€tt. Vilket gör att detta Ă€r en skiva som spelas pĂ„ ett vĂ€ldigt personligt sĂ€tt.
Lars Ek
$1.99 1.89 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Large Ensemble Alto Saxophone,Baritone Saxophone,Double Bass,Drums,Guitar,Percussion,Piano,Tenor Saxophone,Trombone,Trumpet - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.883010 Composed by Alexander Grant, Armando Trovajoli, Candice Pillay, Dwayne Abernathy, Jayson Dezuzio, and Michael Gonzalez. Arranged by Jeremy Landig. Contemporary. Score and parts. 40 pages. Landig Music Productions #6684351. Published by Landig Music Productions (A0.883010). Show band / combo parts for my pops choir arrangement of Make The World Move!2 trumpets, 3 saxes (alto, tenor, bass), 1 trombone, piano, guitar, synth, bass, drum set, auxiliary percussion.Doesn't quite match your band roster? Contact the arranger at for information on having an alternative instrumentation added to Sheet Music Plus!
Make The World Move

$40.00 37.89 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Full Orchestra - Digital Download SKU: A0.1008418 Composed by Manuel de Falla. Arranged by Arkady Leytush. 20th Century. Score and parts. 23 pages. Arkady Leytush #6440739. Published by Arkady Leytush (A0.1008418). This remarkably colorful part gives great pleasure with its liberation, colorfulness and originality of the Spanish and Cuban musical traditions.  Written in three-part form, this music in particular is notable for its peculiar rhythms and metric comparisons. If in the 1st and last parts I use quite recognizable percussion instruments such as: Triangle, Snare Drum, Castanets, Cymbals, Gong, which indicates more Spanish traditions in classical music, then in the middle part it is mostly Cuban folk music, colored and emphasized by such percussion as: Claves, Cowbell, Bongo and Conga Drums. Undoubtedly, the percussion instruments in this part of my transcription are a very recognizable element, but not the only one that can be determined with careful listening.
Manuel De Falla - The Four Spanish Pieces, #2 Cubana, Orchestrated by Arkady Leytush, Full Orchestra

$20.00 18.94 € Orchestre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1477723 Composed by Aaron Robinson. 20th Century,Classical. Score. 55 pages. Music at Immanuel #1055103. Published by Music at Immanuel (A0.1477723). Dedicated to pianist Eric Xi Xin Liang, PIANO SONATA by American composer Aaron Robinson is a programmatic work on a monumental scale. Composed in four movements representing four areas of Maine: Machigonne (Portland), Down East, Malaga Island and Katahdin, each paints a detailed portrait of a specific time and place in the State’s history. Its compositional structure draws heavily on the sights and sounds associated with each region while weaving original themes throughout. Mimesis is used to represent the native calls of the indigenous birds found within the state, such as the phoebe, bobolink and the pileated woodpecker; while hymns, songs and sea shanties are incorporated to represent various time periods. Movement I - MACHIGONNE - Native Americans originally named what is today the Portland peninsula of Maine “Machigonne”, which translates “Great Neck”. The movement quotes several sacred and ritual songs of the Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine. The struggle between centuries of habitation by the native peoples of the area is represented by the arrival of early settlers and illustrated by juxtaposing hymn tunes and dance music of the past eras.Movement II - DOWN EAST - is the eastern coastal area of the state closely associated with the French territory of Acadia. Replete with historic sea shanties and tunes, the sound of tolling ship and buoy bells, lighthouse fog horns, and ocean winds are intertwined to create a high-spirited journey which culminates in the familiar Shaker tune from Alfred, Maine.Movement III - MALAGA ISLAND - Today an uninhabited reserve, Malaga Island was once the home to an interracial community dating from the 1860s to 1911, when its residents were forcibly evicted by the State. The opening theme represents the remnants of the island in its present state; haunted by the memories and unsettling muted solitude of the past and its historical injustice. A peaceful hymn depicting simpler times becomes slowly unraveled, erupting in a traumatic chaos that is never resolved. A ghostly refrain can be heard in the distance as the movement concludes.Movement IV - KATAHDIN - Mount Katahdin (“Catahdrin”), called “Great Mountain” by the Penobscot Native Americans, is located within the Northeast Piscataquis County, the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail. The grandeur of its majesty is portrayed by the original themes depicting epic rising and falling passages traversing over centuries. Native Americans believed the mountain to be the home of the storm god Pamola (a place to be avoided), which is characterized by ever-changing major and minor keys within the often times turbulent motifs. The sonata ends in a tonal key: bringing the atonality and discordant change of the work and its representation as a whole to a final resolve.PIANO SONATA lasts approximately 25 minutes.
Piano seul

$9.99 9.46 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Ensemble,String Quintet Cello,Double Bass,Viola,Violin - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1128576 By Bing Crosby. By Irving Berlin. Arranged by Henrique F Mangoni. Christmas,Holiday,Jazz,Pop. Score and parts. 16 pages. Henrique Franke Mangoni #729200. Published by Henrique Franke Mangoni (A0.1128576). White Christmas by Irving Berlin arranged for string quintet (violin 1, violin2, viola, cello and double bass). Intermediate level arrangement. Perfect for students, music teachers and string teachers! This edition includes full score plus individual parts Learn how to play White Christmas! This christmas classic composed by Irving Berling and made famous by Bing Crosby was covered by many artists like Michael Buble, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift and many others. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to know more about my work! white christmas string quintet sheet music, white christmas violin sheet music, white christmas viola sheet music, white christmas cello sheet music, white christmas double bass sheet music, white christmas sheet music, christmas sheet music, christmas tunes, christmas songs for string quintet.
White Christmas
Bing Crosby
$14.99 14.2 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (Unison) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.979432 Composed by John Christopher Yount and Harrison Fisher, illustrations by Charlotte Runde. Arranged by Harrison Fisher. Children,Christmas,Instructional. Octavo. 10 pages. John Christopher Yount #4761923. Published by John Christopher Yount (A0.979432). The Puddle Jumpin' Songbook Collection Demo DAD Studio Recording and Piano/Vocal by Harrison Fisher and Chris Yount.  Melodies of Meet Mister Rumble, I Love 2 Share, and The Boo Boo Song by Chris Yount.  Music for Comin' in from the Rain (The Hot Chocolate Song) by Harrison Fisher.  Illustrations by Charlotte Runde.  Mister Rumble performed by Harrison Fisher, I Love 2 Share by Chapel of the Cross choir boy selected by the late Van Quinn, The Boo Boo Song performed by Kevin Ferguson, Comin' in from the Rain by Christine Fenno, original copyright 1999.Mister Rumble is meant to be a glorious bass musical rat, not a smokin' dragon lol.  Best, Chris Yount
Puddle Jumpin'... A Songbook for Children of All Ages: Demo Sheet Music
Chorale Unison

$11.99 11.36 € Chorale Unison PDF SheetMusicPlus

Percussion Ensemble Bass Marimba,Bongos,Drum Set,Glockenspiel,Gong,Suspended Cymbal,Tambourine,Timpani,Tom Tom,Triangle,Vibraphone,Xylophone - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1276321 Composed by Bill Whelan. Arranged by Iona Crosby. 20th Century,Broadway,Celtic,Irish,Musical/Show,Traditional. 46 pages. Iona Crosby #868061. Published by Iona Crosby (A0.1276321). A proper showcase piece for your percussionists! This arrangements includes the three pieces Cloudsong, Dance of the River Woman and Finale: Riverdance from the hit play Riverdance. The arrangement starts with a quiet, atmospheric opening. The momentum begins to build as the arrangement makes its way to the 9/8 rhythmic Dance of the River Woman middle section, and finishing with the almighty Finale, which is the most recognised tune from the play. The arrangment consists of easy auxiliary percussion parts for beginner/intermediate players with outstanding tuned percussion parts to highlight your more advanced percussionists. A fantastic arrangement to close any show!
Riverdance Remix

$49.99 47.35 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Concert Band - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1294499 Composed by David Ahrens. 21st Century,Classical,Contest,Festival,Folk,Historic. 119 pages. Baseline Music Publishing #884874. Published by Baseline Music Publishing (A0.1294499). A setting of three classic American folk songs for Wind Band. Transport your audience back to the “Old West” as you cross the nation by covered wagon to join the California Gold Rush, move a herd of cattle over the plains to new grasing lands, and be a part of the adventure of early rail commerce.Price discounted on my website “Sweet Betsy from Pike” is a comic folk ballad chronicling the trials and successes of Betsy, a mid-19th century pioneer woman, as she migrates from (perhaps) Pike County, Missouri (or Illinois) to the California Gold Rush town of Placerville (known colloquially as ‘Hangtown’). The journey across the Wild West was full of hardship, peril, and loss This song battles the very real struggles with levity and humor. It was first published in 1858.“Git Along, Little Dogies” is a cowboy ballad, also known as “Whoopie Ti Yi Yo”. While likely older, the first mention of the song was in author Owen Wister’s 1893 journal. It was first published in 1910. “Dogies” is a reference to small or orphaned calves. The narrative of the song quotes a cowboy singing to the slow or stray dogies as they move along the cattle drive to Wyoming.“Rock Island Line” refers the Rock Island and La Salle Railroad company (established 1947) which soon after became the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad. When construction of the railroad arrived at Rock Island in 1854, it became the first to connect Chicago with the Mississippi River. This folk song references an encounter between an operator of a toll gate and a train engineer who is let through without paying by lying about his payload. Once safely through, he yells back his confession as the train speeds onward. The earliest known version of the song was published in 1929.Grade 3.5 Performance time: 10:00.
American West Folk Suite
Orchestre d'harmonie

$95.00 89.99 € Orchestre d'harmonie PDF SheetMusicPlus

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