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Ocarina - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1327318 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Christian,Christmas,Religious. Score. 3 pages. #915368. Published by (A0.1327318). Christmas Songs from all over the world - notated for the Ocarina with 10/12 holes. The classic musical notation and/or the lyrics indicate the rhythm of the tones, and a fingering diagram shows how the appropriate tone is played. A simple explanation of the fingering images for the Ocarina is included in the appendix. The song's recording was made at a slow tempo. We hope you enjoy making music...!Weihnachtslieder aus aller Welt - notiert für die Okarina mit 10/12 Löchern. Die klassische Notenschrift und/oder der Liedtext gibt die Rhythmik der Töne an, wie der passende Ton gespielt wird zeigt ein Griffbild. Eine einfache Erklärung der Griffbilder für die Okarina ist im Anhang. Die Aufnahme des Songs wurde in einem langsamen Tempo erstellt. Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Musizieren...!
Fröhliche Weihnacht überall!

$2.22 2.1 € Ocarina PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano and voice (solo and SATB chorus) - Digital Download SKU: LV.3630 Composed by George R. Poulton. Cherubs, Vases, Flowers, Seasons, Symbols, Death, Love. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.3630). Willie Bell. Song and Chorus. Composed by George R. Poulton. Published 1854 by J. Sage & Sons, 209 Main St. in Buffalo. Composition of strophic with chorus with piano and voice (solo and satb chorus) instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Cherubs, Vases, Flowers, Seasons, Symbols, Death, Love. First line reads Down in yonder shadowed valley, where the death-tide's waters roll.. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Willie Bell. Song and Chorus
Chorale SATB

$5.99 5.67 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Digital Download SKU: LV.11033 Composed by R. M. Stults. Daggers & swords, Drapery. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries (LV.11033). Bulls and Bears. March and Two Step. Beaux Arts Edition. R.M. Stults. Published 1901 by Eclipse Publishing Co., 136 N. 9th St. in Philadelphia. Composition of sectional with piano instrumentation. Subject headings for this piece include Daggers & swords, Drapery. About The Lester S. Levy CollectionThe Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. Donated to Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, the collection's strength is its thorough documentation of nineteenth-century American through popular music. This sheet music has been provided by Project Gado, a San Francisco Bay Area startup whose mission is to digitize and share the world's visual history.WARNING: These titles are provided as historical documents. Language and concepts within reflect the opinions and values of the time and may be offensive to some.
Bulls and Bears. March and Two Step
Piano seul

$5.99 5.67 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1296139 Composed by Erasmo Carlos and Roberto Carlos. Arranged by Sérgio Matias da Cunha. 20th Century,Latin,Pop,Wedding. Score (Chords/Lyrics). 1 pages. Sérgio Matias da Cunha #886382. Published by Sérgio Matias da Cunha (A0.1296139). Partitura clara, objetiva, concisa e acessível apresentando marcações de cifra, células rítmicas envolvendo quartos de tempo, mas predominantemente figuras rítmicas maiores que a semicolcheia, acordes elaborados, tercinas e notas sincopadas, buscando a maior fidelidade com a versão original através das notas mais marcantes e características, visando o melhor resultado com harmonia e equilíbrio, oferecendo as devidas informações para uma livre interpretação através da exposição deste fio melódico, cuidadosamente diagramado e organizado para melhor visualização, entendimento e execução. Presença de sinais de repetição também contribuem para a praticidade e a concisão desta partitura, distribuindo toda a música em uma página. Encontre mais partituras como essa, colando o nome do arranjador (Sérgio Matias da Cunha) na barra de pesquisa. ATENÇÃO: Compre os quatro volumes do “Curso de Teclado Primeiros Toques†no site colando o código na barra de pesquisa. Volume1 (A0.1314018) Volume2 (A0.1314021) Volume3 (A0.1314023) Volume4 (A0.1314028).
Piano seul

$6.99 6.62 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Full Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1272505 By Aere Greenway. By Johannes Brahms. Arranged by Aere Greenway. Classical,Romantic Period. Score and Parts. 46 pages. Aere R Greenway #864730. Published by Aere R Greenway (A0.1272505). As a life-long fan of the music of Brahms, I have wished there were more than his four symphonies to enjoy.  So I set about orchestrating his sonata for piano, opus 5, as a symphony.  I doing so, I've seen many things in his piano music, that suggest he was thinking orchestrally.  And this is a composition from his youth (1854).  In fact, I have been repeatedly amazed at how many simultaneous, independent parts, he has put into a piano solo.  I haven't needed to create anything.  It's all Brahms, coming through.  Perhaps, if Brahms weren't so overwhelmed by the genius of Beethoven, who came before, he might have made this his first symphony.  And you get to hear its third movement now.  As with the tradition of Beethoven, the 3rd movement is a scherzo.  You can think of it (at least in the beginning, and end), as the waltz of the gargoyles.  Enjoy!Brahms has long been a staple of concert-going audiences, and with this piece, you can perform a new symphony of Brahms, created from his piano sonata in F-minor, orchestrated into a symphony by Aere.
Brahms Sonata in F-minor, Opus 5, 3rd movement, as a Symphony
Aere Greenway
$47.97 45.44 € Orchestre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mandolin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1393001 Composed by Traditional. Arranged by Celtic,Folk,Irish,Traditional. Score. 3 pages. #976550. Published by (A0.1393001). Well-known and popular Songs from Ireland and Great Britain - notated for the mandolin in classical musical notation as well as in the well-known tablature for string instruments. The song's recording was made at a slow tempo. We hope you enjoy making music...!Bekannte und beliebte Songs aus Irland und Grossbritannien - notiert für die Mandoline in klassischer Notenschrift sowie in der bekannten Tabulatur für Saiteninstrumente. Die Aufnahme des Songs wurde in einem langsamen Tempo erstellt. Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Musizieren...!
Spancil Hill

$2.22 2.1 € Mandoline PDF SheetMusicPlus

Chamber Orchestra - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.567766 Composed by Thomas Graf. Arranged by Thomas Graf. 20th Century,Classical,Contemporary,Jazz. Score and parts. 216 pages. Thomas Graf - #546297. Published by Thomas Graf - (A0.567766). Phantasie in 3 Sätzen für Großes Bläserensemble, Kontrabass und Schlagwerk 1. Deux Caractères 2. Dialogues 3. Dance de Conflusion Confluence heißt ein Ort in Lyon an dem 2 Flüsse zusammen fließen: Die Saône mündet in die - zumindest im Deutschen - weibliche Rhone. Im Französischen mündet sie aber in DEN Rhone – Le Rhône. Das verwirrt den Komponisten: Wie erhalten Flüsse ihr Geschlecht, sind sie mal männlich, mal weiblich? Liegt es an ihrem Charakter, an der Landschaft, die sie durchfließen? An ihrem Wasser, ihren Fischen gar? An den Menschen an ihren Ufern? Es entsteht eine veritable Konfusion. Bei darauf folgenden Gedanken über Musik entdeckt der Komponist gewisse Analogien und stellt sich die Frage: Gibt es eigentlich geschlechtertypische Musik? Oder Instrumente? Typisch männliche Harmonien oder Rhythmen? Oder eindeutig weibliche Melodien und die Art, zu interpretieren? Dieser Frage widmet sich die 3-sätzige Komposition und mäandriert dabei tänzerisch im Bett der zusammenfließenden Ströme. Farbenreiche modale Harmonien bilden das Bett für weite Melodiebögen. Ein variiert wiederkehrendes Thema gibt die Richtung vor und erzeugt einen sprudelnd tänzelnden Sog in Richtung der Mündung: Tanzendes Finale! 1. Satz: Deux Charactères Im ersten Satz (Andante) werden die Rollen verteilt - die Sâone und der Rhône erhalten ihre Darsteller. Ein erster Blick auf das Ensemble lässt schon eine Tendenz erkennen: Holzbläser(inne)n übernehmen die weibliche Hauptrolle, das männliche Blech den Gegenpart. Die beiden Schlagwerker unterstützen solidarisch je einen der beiden Pole. Mag die Zuordnung auf der Hand liegen, so bleiben doch starke Zweifel im Schlussakkord des ersten Satzes. 2. Dialogues In kleineren und größeren Dialogen wird sich munter ausgetauscht und werden die Eigenschaften herausgearbeitet und weiter entwickelt. Aber es wird zunehmend auch kopiert und imitiert, gar boshaft agitiert und nachgeäfft. Man versucht sich gegenseitig zu überzeugen, fällt sich ins Wort, braust beiderseits zunehmend auf, es wird lauter und hektischer, immer lauter, zu laut, bis die Kommunikation erlischt: Man schreit sich schließlich nur noch an! 3. Dance de Conflusion Die entstandene Konfusion findet im dritten Satz der Komposition ein versöhnliches Ende: Lasst uns tanzen! So wird schlussendlich aus der anfänglichen Confusion eine Conflusion: Es fließt und tanzt zusammen, was zusammen gehört. About this arrangement: Instrumentation: Full Score Piccolo Flute 1 Flute 2 Oboe 1 Oboe 2 English Horn Clarinet 1 in Bb Clarinet 2 in Bb Bass Clarinet in Bb Bassoon 1 Bassoon 2 Contrabassoon Trumpet 1 in Bb Trumpet 2 in Bb Trumpet 3 in Bb Trombone 1 Trombone 2 Trombone 3 Tuba Contrabass Perc 1 (Snare Drum Chimes) Perc 2 (Triangle Cymbals) Any individual arrangement and substitute parts are available on request. Call +49 (0) 172 2515987 E-Mail: facebook:
Conflusion - Suite - Wind Ensemble
Orchestre de chambre

$80.00 75.78 € Orchestre de chambre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble Euphonium - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.814009 Composed by James R. Murray. Arranged by Regis Bookshar. Christmas,Instructional,Standards. Score and parts. 10 pages. Regis Bookshar #6658473. Published by Regis Bookshar (A0.814009). Euphonium Quintet - Intermediate - Digital Download. This arrangement of Away in a Manger, would be a fine addition to any music library and could be performed for Christmas concerts, recitals and church services. It is equally suitable for junior and senior high school students, and, depending on their ability, even younger students, too. Included are a score and a complete set of parts (10 pages). This selection is one of the many arrangements from The Regis Bookshar Trumpet Ensemble's extensive music library which are being made available for the first time.Away in a Manger is one of the most popular Christmas carols and there are a number of musical settings of it. The most popular musical setting of it in the United States is the tune commonly known as Mueller. It was composed by James R. Murray and was first published under the name Luther's Cradle Hymn, in his collection Dainty Songs for Little Lads and Lasses, in 1887. It was intended for use in kindergarten, school and home.In this selection, Regis Bookshar has arranged three verses of this popular Christmas carol for a Euphonium Quintet, written in Treble Clef. There is also a version for a Euphonium Quintet, written in Bass Clef, if you prefer. The first verse is a traditional setting of the tune while the second verse has a more complex accompaniment. The third verse also includes a descant. Between the second and third verses, he has included a short interlude. In addition to this arrangement for a Euphonium Quintet, there are also other Quintet arrangements of Away in a Manger for a variety of instrumental ensembles, as well as quite a few other Christmas selections, readily available for purchase. Please take the time to look for other versions of this composition and other selections. You may find something else that may also suit your needs.I would also encourage you to search for other arrangements by Regis Bookshar, as well, as there are numerous arrangements in a wide variety of styles, also available for purchase. You may find something else which might interest you. Please continue to check periodically because new arrangements are being added as often as possible. I'm certain that this wonderful arrangement of Away in a Manger will continue to entertain both performers and audiences alike for years to come.
Away in a Manger (G) (Euphonium Quintet - Treble Clef)

$8.00 7.58 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

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