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Organ - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1327693 Composed by Leonardo Antonio Di Chiara. 21st Century,Classical,Contemporary,Sacred. Score. 37 pages. LEONARDO ANTONIO DI CHIARA #915737. Published by LEONARDO ANTONIO DI CHIARA (A0.1327693). Questa raccolta di dieci brani per organo, concepita tra il 2021 e il 2023, rappresenta un passo significativo nel mio percorso compositivo. Manualiter volume II costituisce la continuazione di un viaggio musicale compositivo iniziato con la mia prima raccolta dall’omonimo titolo. Ogni brano è una riflessione sulla potenza espressiva dell'organo, guidata principalmente dai manuali e con l'uso parsimonioso dei pedali. Attraverso queste miniature organistiche, cerco di comunicare la mia visione della musica, invitando gli interpreti e gli ascoltatori ad immergersi in un'esperienza emotiva unica. La sequenza di brani inizia con la complessa Ciaccona palindroma, seguita dalla Ciaccona sopra DCHLA, il cui tema si basa sulle iniziali del mio nome e cognome, conferendo un carattere personale e distintivo. Cantabile d'affetto ed Elevazione introducono emozioni intense e profonde, mentre la Toccata aggiunge dinamismo e vitalità. Herzlich tut mich verlangen merita una menzione speciale. Questo brano è un corale seguito da due variazioni, con il tema tratto dal famoso corale della tradizione luterana dedicato al tempo di passione. Le variazioni esplorano le sfumature emotive del tema, offrendo un viaggio attraverso interpretazioni ricche e personali. La Toccata breve e il Canto di Pace presentano contrasti significativi, evidenziando la mia volontà di esplorare una vasta gamma di atmosfere ed emozioni. Inoltre Canto di Pace è un omaggio musicale alle vittime dell'attacco del 07 ottobre 2023 in Israele, un tentativo di commemorare coloro che hanno perso la vita in quel tragico evento attraverso la potenza emotiva della musica. Le Partite sopra In dulci jubilo si ispirano al corale natalizio della tradizione luterana In dulci jubilo e sono articolate in quattro variazioni, ognuna unica        nel suo approccio e nell'esplorare le possibilità sonore dell'organo. Infine c’è il brano U vaqa Sënd Vit, che tradotto dall'arbëresh significa Sono andato a San Vito. Questo brano è un omaggio alle mie origini arbëresh e trae ispirazione da un canto popolare della comunità arbëresh di Greci ed è dedicato al Cavaliere della Repubblica dott. Bartolomeo Zoccano che tanto si è prodigato per la diffusione della cultura arbëresh. La composizione adotta la forma della variazione, esplorando le potenzialità di questo canto tradizionale attraverso il linguaggio ricco ed evocativo dell'organo. Manualiter volume II rappresenta il frutto del mio impegno e della mia passione per l'arte dell'organo. Confido che questa raccolta possa essere accolta con la stessa gioia e apprezzamento con cui è stata creata, offrendo un viaggio musicale che va oltre le note, esplorando le profondità dell'anima attraverso le tastiere e i pedali dell'organo, e trovi un luogo speciale nei cuori degli organisti, degli appassionati di musica e di tutti coloro che cercano un'esperienza musicale significativa e avvincente.
MANUALITER Vol. 2 dieci brevi composizioni organistiche

$6.00 5.73 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Full Orchestra - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1284590 Composed by James Nathaniel Holland. 21st Century,Broadway,Contemporary,Musical/Show,Opera. 259 pages. James Nathaniel Holland #875765. Published by James Nathaniel Holland (A0.1284590). FULL SCORE (Concert Pitch).  This four act contemporary opera, original libretto and music, by 21st century American composer James Nathaniel Holland is the story of the triumph of Love over Evil, however delayed, and the power of keeping steadfast to one’s righteous promise.  Based on the German fairy tale The Six Swans, in a kingdom, during Saxon times, the murderous daughter of an evil entity, Ravia, infiltrates and takes over the lives of a royal family due to the King’s rash promise to marry her many years before. The royal children are sent away by their father for safety to a hidden, woodland cottage, but Ravia discovers where they are and hexes the younger siblings, turning them into swallows.  Usha, the eldest, escapes and flees to the wilderness and is visited by the apparition of her dead mother who explains what is going on and that Usha must swear an oath of silence for six years to break the spell and change her siblings back into human form.Five years pass and a dashing and kind king, Rohric, of another kingdom, finds Usha while hunting, falls in love with and marries her, but Usha must remain silent and cannot reveal who she is.  Ravia, who now is sole queen of the old kingdom, is invited by Rohric’s nobles with hope to secure a “proper†wedding for Rohric.  Usha is accused falsely of killing her own child by the two and is sentenced to be burned at the stake, but as the bell tolls she finally can declare her innocence.  To the crowd’s amazement her siblings change back, all truth is revealed, and for Ravia’s failure, she is dragged back to hell by demons.  Singers:  King Alfred (bass), Ravia (soprano), Princess Usha (mezzo), Queen Mother Arna (soprano), the royal siblings (children’s/boy’s chorus), King Rohric (Tenor), The Evil Noble (baritone), An angel/a demon (bass), SATB ChorusScored for full orchestra.  Instrumentation:  picc/treble recorder, fl12, ob12, eh, cl12, bsn12, hrn 123, tpt123, trom12, tba, timp, perc.12 (bd, crash cym, ride cym with soft mallets and stick, glk, chimes, snar, tri), hrp, stringsDuration:  2 hoursFull Orchestral Score (concert pitch), Piano Vocal Score and Instruments Parts 1 (woodwinds, brass, perc.) and Parts 2 (harp and strings) sold separately.
The Oath of Silence, An Opera in Four Acts, Full Orchestral Score (Concert Pitch) - Score Only

$34.50 32.97 € Orchestre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1478307 Composed by José De Jesús Ravelo. 19th Century,Classical,Historic,Romantic Period. Score. 52 pages. Editorial Copistas Acuario #1055685. Published by Editorial Copistas Acuario (A0.1478307). La presente publicacio?n de la tanda de valses «Pita», del reconocido compositor dominicano Jose? De Jesu?s Ravelo, se basa en la primera edicio?n de la obra realizada en 1897 con el estampado musical disen?ado en Leipzig por C. G. Ro?der. Esta coleccio?n de valses esta? dedicada a la entonces enamorada del compositor, la Srta. Josefa de la Fuente, conocida como “Pepita”, con quien contraeri?a matrimonio en 1902. Adema?s, esta? documentada la intencio?n del compositor de recaudar fondos con la edicio?n de esta obra y destinarlos al proyecto del Parque Independencia en Santo Domingo. De ahi? la inscripcio?n «mi ofrenda al Parque ‘Independencia’» en la portada, la cual hemos decidido recrear como homenaje, incluyendo tambie?n una reinterpretacio?n de la ilustracio?n original alego?rica a la independencia dominicana. Por lo tanto, adema?s de ser una de las primeras ediciones impresas conocidas de mu?sica dominicana, la tanda de valses «Pita» se circunscribe tambie?n a la historia del desarrollo y expansio?n de nuestra ciudad capital, ligada al proceso de construccio?n de uno de sus puntos de referencia ma?s importantes. Agradecemos la iniciativa de la Fundacio?n Copistas Acuario por reeditar esta obra como resultado de su continua labor de rescate del patrimonio musical nacional. Ahora si?, adentre?monos en esta historia de un joven Ravelo enamorado y emocione?monos junto a e?l con la mu?sica que inspiro? su amor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The present publication of the “Pita” waltz suite, by the renowned Dominican composer Jose? De Jesu?s Ravelo, is based on the first edition of the work made in 1897 with the musical print designed in Leipzig by C. G. Ro?der. This collection of waltzes is dedicated to the composer’s then fiance?e, Miss Josefa de la Fuente, known as “Pepita”, whom he would marry in 1902. In addition, it is documented the composer’s intention to raise funds with the edition of this work and allocate them to the project of the Independencia Park in Santo Domingo. Hence the inscription “mi ofrenda al Parque ‘Independencia’” on the cover, which we have decided to recreate as a tribute, also including a reinterpretation of the original illustration allegorical to the Dominican independence. Therefore, in addition to being one of the first known printed editions of Dominican music, the “Pita” waltz suite is also circumscribed to the history of the development and expansion of our capital city, linked to the process of construction of one of its most important landmarks. We are grateful for the initiative of the Fundacio?n Copistas Acuario for reissuing this work as a result of its continuous work to rescue the national musical heritage. Now, let’s delve into this story of a young Ravelo in love and let’s be moved along with him by the music that inspired his love.
Pita: Tanda de valses
Piano seul

$4.99 4.77 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano (2 songs with violoncello; 1 vocal duet) - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8491-17E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. 8 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8491-17E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8491-17E). French.A French composer, Théodore Gouvy (1819-1898) was one of the most significant composers of 19th Century in Europe. The movement of rediscovering his instrumental music has been increasingly successful in Europe since the 1990s, especially following the birth of L’Institut Gouvy in France. However, his solo vocal music has been waiting to be unveiled to the public. Volume One includes 52 songs of Gouvy.Gouvy traveled widely throughout Europe. He was also a lover of nature. Generally, he spent his winters in Leipzig, but in the summertime, he always returned to Hombourg-Haut, France, to stroll through the woods, to hunt, and to relax. Gouvy was fluent in several languages and had a great appreciation of the Renaissance French Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard whose poetry he had set to music. The fifty-two songs in this volume are largely by Ronsard and other Renaissance poets of La Pléiade.Although Ronsard is approximately 300 years older than Gouvy, they both seem to have the same interest in classical literature, though, admittedly, for different reasons. Celebrated by the French and English courts, Ronsard (1525-1585) was the leader of La Pléiade: a group of seven poets (Joachim Du Bellay (1522-1560), Rémy Belleau (1528-1577), Étienne Jodelle (1532-1573), Pontus de Tyard (1521-1603), Jean–Antoine Baïf (1532-1589), and Jean Daurat (1508-1588), who dedicated their efforts to writing poetry in French rather than in Latin (or Greek) as most of the Romantic poets did. They wished to enrich the French language, and establish a new literature which would be the equal of the other literature of their period, and the equal to poets of the past. French Romantic poetry featured the closeness of the poet to nature, and his ability to communicate with nature by personifying (anthropomorphizing) all of nature’s elements: flowers, the planets, the moon, the breeze, and even the sand upon the shore. As a significant melodist, Gouvy’s treatment of the vocal solo line and his treatment and development of the piano accompaniment places him in the upper echelons as a composer of songs. His diverse cultural life led a rich and significant musical life, interacting with his contemporaries who admired his work, and whom Gouvy knew well, such as Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Gounod. Contents:Six Odes de Ronsard pour ténor et piano, Op. 37 (No. 3 et No. 5 avec violoncelle) Neuf Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 41 Six Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 42 Quatre Odes de Ronsard pour baryton et piano, Op. 43 Huit Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 44 Sept Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 47.
Op. 42, No. 2: Le Rossignol from Songs of Gouvy, V1 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8492-23E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. Instrument part. 9 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8492-23E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8492-23E). French.Gouvy was known for writing some of the most beautiful melodies of the Romantic period. His style is a combination of German forms and an early French romantic harmonic structure. His writing for the piano in the songs is totally unified in mood and description with the voice, just as the piano is in Schubert’s songs. The equal partnership of the vocal line and piano interact closely to bring the poetry vividly into life with unimaginable artistic heights and unbridled passion.This volume includes Gouvy songs set to 18 poems of Philippe Desportes (1546–1606), and 18 poems of Moritz Hartmann (1821–1872). The elements of Romantic love poetry, such as enchanting love and its pain, and the personifying of nature, are fluently described with a great sensitivity in both voice and piano. Gouvy’s melody stir up the imagination because of his special treatment of words through a distinguishable and melodious vocal line, and his story telling and poetic treatment and development of the piano accompaniment. His compositional artistry places him in the upper echelons of art-song composers. One should note that Gouvy had a special fondness for the 16th Century poetry of La Pléiade (a group of Renaissance French poets, led by Pièrre de Ronsard (1524–1585). Desportes was truly the heir to Ronsard; however his work, when compared to that of Ronsard, is filled with greater abstraction and greater fluidity. Desportes seems to avoid any of the passionate anger that is occasionally characteristic of La Pléiade. This may be an indication that Desportes lived in a less distressed time. It also seems necessary to point out that he learned much in his early career by copying and studying the earlier works of La Pléiade. This has led some scholars to label him as a plagiarist, but it is important to realize that all the members of La Pléiade copied from each other when they wished to learn something new, and truly understand the style of the other poets in the group. Gouvy’s only choice of poems from his contemporaries, were the works of Moritz Hartmann (1821–1872), a good friend of Gouvy’s. Much of his poetry was strongly political in support of freedom of the individual. He traveled to Leipzig in 1845, but when the authorities discovered a volume of patriotic poems entitled Kelch und Schwert (Chalice and Sword), he fled to Belgium and France. It is at this time that he possibly met Théodore Gouvy. Eighteen poems of Hartmann were translated from German to French by the French poet, Adolph Larmande, of whom very little is known. Pierre Toussaint Adolphe Larmande seems to have been a rather obscure poet and musician. We know that he taught music theory at the Paris Conservatory at the same time Anton Reicha and Michele Carafa were on the faculty. We also know that in 1847 he married an English woman by the name of Marie Caroline Bradley. There are random documents, such as a Certificate of Arrival in London, England, in 1837, but there are no birth and death dates given, and that includes his obituary notice. Contents:18 Sonnets et Chansons de Desportes pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 45 Six poésies allemandes de Moritz Hartmann pour baryton et piano, Op. 21 Douze poésies allemandes de Moritz Hartmann pour ténor et piano, Op. 26 (Poésies françaises d’Adolphe Larmande).
Op. 21, No. 5: Feuilles qui chuchotez from Songs of Gouvy, V2 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano (2 songs with violoncello; 1 vocal duet) - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8491-21E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. 7 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8491-21E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8491-21E). French.A French composer, Théodore Gouvy (1819-1898) was one of the most significant composers of 19th Century in Europe. The movement of rediscovering his instrumental music has been increasingly successful in Europe since the 1990s, especially following the birth of L’Institut Gouvy in France. However, his solo vocal music has been waiting to be unveiled to the public. Volume One includes 52 songs of Gouvy.Gouvy traveled widely throughout Europe. He was also a lover of nature. Generally, he spent his winters in Leipzig, but in the summertime, he always returned to Hombourg-Haut, France, to stroll through the woods, to hunt, and to relax. Gouvy was fluent in several languages and had a great appreciation of the Renaissance French Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard whose poetry he had set to music. The fifty-two songs in this volume are largely by Ronsard and other Renaissance poets of La Pléiade.Although Ronsard is approximately 300 years older than Gouvy, they both seem to have the same interest in classical literature, though, admittedly, for different reasons. Celebrated by the French and English courts, Ronsard (1525-1585) was the leader of La Pléiade: a group of seven poets (Joachim Du Bellay (1522-1560), Rémy Belleau (1528-1577), Étienne Jodelle (1532-1573), Pontus de Tyard (1521-1603), Jean–Antoine Baïf (1532-1589), and Jean Daurat (1508-1588), who dedicated their efforts to writing poetry in French rather than in Latin (or Greek) as most of the Romantic poets did. They wished to enrich the French language, and establish a new literature which would be the equal of the other literature of their period, and the equal to poets of the past. French Romantic poetry featured the closeness of the poet to nature, and his ability to communicate with nature by personifying (anthropomorphizing) all of nature’s elements: flowers, the planets, the moon, the breeze, and even the sand upon the shore. As a significant melodist, Gouvy’s treatment of the vocal solo line and his treatment and development of the piano accompaniment places him in the upper echelons as a composer of songs. His diverse cultural life led a rich and significant musical life, interacting with his contemporaries who admired his work, and whom Gouvy knew well, such as Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Gounod. Contents:Six Odes de Ronsard pour ténor et piano, Op. 37 (No. 3 et No. 5 avec violoncelle) Neuf Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 41 Six Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 42 Quatre Odes de Ronsard pour baryton et piano, Op. 43 Huit Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 44 Sept Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 47.
Op. 42, No. 6: Chanson from Songs of Gouvy, V1 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano (2 songs with violoncello; 1 vocal duet) - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8491-13E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. 5 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8491-13E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8491-13E). French.A French composer, Théodore Gouvy (1819-1898) was one of the most significant composers of 19th Century in Europe. The movement of rediscovering his instrumental music has been increasingly successful in Europe since the 1990s, especially following the birth of L’Institut Gouvy in France. However, his solo vocal music has been waiting to be unveiled to the public. Volume One includes 52 songs of Gouvy.Gouvy traveled widely throughout Europe. He was also a lover of nature. Generally, he spent his winters in Leipzig, but in the summertime, he always returned to Hombourg-Haut, France, to stroll through the woods, to hunt, and to relax. Gouvy was fluent in several languages and had a great appreciation of the Renaissance French Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard whose poetry he had set to music. The fifty-two songs in this volume are largely by Ronsard and other Renaissance poets of La Pléiade.Although Ronsard is approximately 300 years older than Gouvy, they both seem to have the same interest in classical literature, though, admittedly, for different reasons. Celebrated by the French and English courts, Ronsard (1525-1585) was the leader of La Pléiade: a group of seven poets (Joachim Du Bellay (1522-1560), Rémy Belleau (1528-1577), Étienne Jodelle (1532-1573), Pontus de Tyard (1521-1603), Jean–Antoine Baïf (1532-1589), and Jean Daurat (1508-1588), who dedicated their efforts to writing poetry in French rather than in Latin (or Greek) as most of the Romantic poets did. They wished to enrich the French language, and establish a new literature which would be the equal of the other literature of their period, and the equal to poets of the past. French Romantic poetry featured the closeness of the poet to nature, and his ability to communicate with nature by personifying (anthropomorphizing) all of nature’s elements: flowers, the planets, the moon, the breeze, and even the sand upon the shore. As a significant melodist, Gouvy’s treatment of the vocal solo line and his treatment and development of the piano accompaniment places him in the upper echelons as a composer of songs. His diverse cultural life led a rich and significant musical life, interacting with his contemporaries who admired his work, and whom Gouvy knew well, such as Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Gounod. Contents:Six Odes de Ronsard pour ténor et piano, Op. 37 (No. 3 et No. 5 avec violoncelle) Neuf Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 41 Six Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 42 Quatre Odes de Ronsard pour baryton et piano, Op. 43 Huit Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 44 Sept Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 47.
Op. 41, No. 7: Que dites-vous, que faites-vous, mignonne? from Songs of Gouvy, V1 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano (2 songs with violoncello; 1 vocal duet) - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8491-50E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. 7 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8491-50E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8491-50E). French.A French composer, Théodore Gouvy (1819-1898) was one of the most significant composers of 19th Century in Europe. The movement of rediscovering his instrumental music has been increasingly successful in Europe since the 1990s, especially following the birth of L’Institut Gouvy in France. However, his solo vocal music has been waiting to be unveiled to the public. Volume One includes 52 songs of Gouvy.Gouvy traveled widely throughout Europe. He was also a lover of nature. Generally, he spent his winters in Leipzig, but in the summertime, he always returned to Hombourg-Haut, France, to stroll through the woods, to hunt, and to relax. Gouvy was fluent in several languages and had a great appreciation of the Renaissance French Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard whose poetry he had set to music. The fifty-two songs in this volume are largely by Ronsard and other Renaissance poets of La Pléiade.Although Ronsard is approximately 300 years older than Gouvy, they both seem to have the same interest in classical literature, though, admittedly, for different reasons. Celebrated by the French and English courts, Ronsard (1525-1585) was the leader of La Pléiade: a group of seven poets (Joachim Du Bellay (1522-1560), Rémy Belleau (1528-1577), Étienne Jodelle (1532-1573), Pontus de Tyard (1521-1603), Jean–Antoine Baïf (1532-1589), and Jean Daurat (1508-1588), who dedicated their efforts to writing poetry in French rather than in Latin (or Greek) as most of the Romantic poets did. They wished to enrich the French language, and establish a new literature which would be the equal of the other literature of their period, and the equal to poets of the past. French Romantic poetry featured the closeness of the poet to nature, and his ability to communicate with nature by personifying (anthropomorphizing) all of nature’s elements: flowers, the planets, the moon, the breeze, and even the sand upon the shore. As a significant melodist, Gouvy’s treatment of the vocal solo line and his treatment and development of the piano accompaniment places him in the upper echelons as a composer of songs. His diverse cultural life led a rich and significant musical life, interacting with his contemporaries who admired his work, and whom Gouvy knew well, such as Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Gounod. Contents:Six Odes de Ronsard pour ténor et piano, Op. 37 (No. 3 et No. 5 avec violoncelle) Neuf Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 41 Six Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 42 Quatre Odes de Ronsard pour baryton et piano, Op. 43 Huit Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 44 Sept Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 47.
Op. 48, No. 10: La Belle matineuse from Songs of Gouvy, V1 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano (2 songs with violoncello; 1 vocal duet) - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8491-12E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. 6 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8491-12E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8491-12E). French.A French composer, Théodore Gouvy (1819-1898) was one of the most significant composers of 19th Century in Europe. The movement of rediscovering his instrumental music has been increasingly successful in Europe since the 1990s, especially following the birth of L’Institut Gouvy in France. However, his solo vocal music has been waiting to be unveiled to the public. Volume One includes 52 songs of Gouvy.Gouvy traveled widely throughout Europe. He was also a lover of nature. Generally, he spent his winters in Leipzig, but in the summertime, he always returned to Hombourg-Haut, France, to stroll through the woods, to hunt, and to relax. Gouvy was fluent in several languages and had a great appreciation of the Renaissance French Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard whose poetry he had set to music. The fifty-two songs in this volume are largely by Ronsard and other Renaissance poets of La Pléiade.Although Ronsard is approximately 300 years older than Gouvy, they both seem to have the same interest in classical literature, though, admittedly, for different reasons. Celebrated by the French and English courts, Ronsard (1525-1585) was the leader of La Pléiade: a group of seven poets (Joachim Du Bellay (1522-1560), Rémy Belleau (1528-1577), Étienne Jodelle (1532-1573), Pontus de Tyard (1521-1603), Jean–Antoine Baïf (1532-1589), and Jean Daurat (1508-1588), who dedicated their efforts to writing poetry in French rather than in Latin (or Greek) as most of the Romantic poets did. They wished to enrich the French language, and establish a new literature which would be the equal of the other literature of their period, and the equal to poets of the past. French Romantic poetry featured the closeness of the poet to nature, and his ability to communicate with nature by personifying (anthropomorphizing) all of nature’s elements: flowers, the planets, the moon, the breeze, and even the sand upon the shore. As a significant melodist, Gouvy’s treatment of the vocal solo line and his treatment and development of the piano accompaniment places him in the upper echelons as a composer of songs. His diverse cultural life led a rich and significant musical life, interacting with his contemporaries who admired his work, and whom Gouvy knew well, such as Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Gounod. Contents:Six Odes de Ronsard pour ténor et piano, Op. 37 (No. 3 et No. 5 avec violoncelle) Neuf Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 41 Six Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 42 Quatre Odes de Ronsard pour baryton et piano, Op. 43 Huit Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 44 Sept Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 47.
Op. 41, No. 6: Amour me tue from Songs of Gouvy, V1 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8492-09E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. Instrument part. 4 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8492-09E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8492-09E). French.Gouvy was known for writing some of the most beautiful melodies of the Romantic period. His style is a combination of German forms and an early French romantic harmonic structure. His writing for the piano in the songs is totally unified in mood and description with the voice, just as the piano is in Schubert’s songs. The equal partnership of the vocal line and piano interact closely to bring the poetry vividly into life with unimaginable artistic heights and unbridled passion.This volume includes Gouvy songs set to 18 poems of Philippe Desportes (1546–1606), and 18 poems of Moritz Hartmann (1821–1872). The elements of Romantic love poetry, such as enchanting love and its pain, and the personifying of nature, are fluently described with a great sensitivity in both voice and piano. Gouvy’s melody stir up the imagination because of his special treatment of words through a distinguishable and melodious vocal line, and his story telling and poetic treatment and development of the piano accompaniment. His compositional artistry places him in the upper echelons of art-song composers. One should note that Gouvy had a special fondness for the 16th Century poetry of La Pléiade (a group of Renaissance French poets, led by Pièrre de Ronsard (1524–1585). Desportes was truly the heir to Ronsard; however his work, when compared to that of Ronsard, is filled with greater abstraction and greater fluidity. Desportes seems to avoid any of the passionate anger that is occasionally characteristic of La Pléiade. This may be an indication that Desportes lived in a less distressed time. It also seems necessary to point out that he learned much in his early career by copying and studying the earlier works of La Pléiade. This has led some scholars to label him as a plagiarist, but it is important to realize that all the members of La Pléiade copied from each other when they wished to learn something new, and truly understand the style of the other poets in the group. Gouvy’s only choice of poems from his contemporaries, were the works of Moritz Hartmann (1821–1872), a good friend of Gouvy’s. Much of his poetry was strongly political in support of freedom of the individual. He traveled to Leipzig in 1845, but when the authorities discovered a volume of patriotic poems entitled Kelch und Schwert (Chalice and Sword), he fled to Belgium and France. It is at this time that he possibly met Théodore Gouvy. Eighteen poems of Hartmann were translated from German to French by the French poet, Adolph Larmande, of whom very little is known. Pierre Toussaint Adolphe Larmande seems to have been a rather obscure poet and musician. We know that he taught music theory at the Paris Conservatory at the same time Anton Reicha and Michele Carafa were on the faculty. We also know that in 1847 he married an English woman by the name of Marie Caroline Bradley. There are random documents, such as a Certificate of Arrival in London, England, in 1837, but there are no birth and death dates given, and that includes his obituary notice. Contents:18 Sonnets et Chansons de Desportes pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 45 Six poésies allemandes de Moritz Hartmann pour baryton et piano, Op. 21 Douze poésies allemandes de Moritz Hartmann pour ténor et piano, Op. 26 (Poésies françaises d’Adolphe Larmande).
Op. 45, No. 9: Si la pitié trouve en vous from Songs of Gouvy, V2 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano (2 songs with violoncello; 1 vocal duet) - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8491-25E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. 5 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8491-25E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8491-25E). French.A French composer, Théodore Gouvy (1819-1898) was one of the most significant composers of 19th Century in Europe. The movement of rediscovering his instrumental music has been increasingly successful in Europe since the 1990s, especially following the birth of L’Institut Gouvy in France. However, his solo vocal music has been waiting to be unveiled to the public. Volume One includes 52 songs of Gouvy.Gouvy traveled widely throughout Europe. He was also a lover of nature. Generally, he spent his winters in Leipzig, but in the summertime, he always returned to Hombourg-Haut, France, to stroll through the woods, to hunt, and to relax. Gouvy was fluent in several languages and had a great appreciation of the Renaissance French Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard whose poetry he had set to music. The fifty-two songs in this volume are largely by Ronsard and other Renaissance poets of La Pléiade.Although Ronsard is approximately 300 years older than Gouvy, they both seem to have the same interest in classical literature, though, admittedly, for different reasons. Celebrated by the French and English courts, Ronsard (1525-1585) was the leader of La Pléiade: a group of seven poets (Joachim Du Bellay (1522-1560), Rémy Belleau (1528-1577), Étienne Jodelle (1532-1573), Pontus de Tyard (1521-1603), Jean–Antoine Baïf (1532-1589), and Jean Daurat (1508-1588), who dedicated their efforts to writing poetry in French rather than in Latin (or Greek) as most of the Romantic poets did. They wished to enrich the French language, and establish a new literature which would be the equal of the other literature of their period, and the equal to poets of the past. French Romantic poetry featured the closeness of the poet to nature, and his ability to communicate with nature by personifying (anthropomorphizing) all of nature’s elements: flowers, the planets, the moon, the breeze, and even the sand upon the shore. As a significant melodist, Gouvy’s treatment of the vocal solo line and his treatment and development of the piano accompaniment places him in the upper echelons as a composer of songs. His diverse cultural life led a rich and significant musical life, interacting with his contemporaries who admired his work, and whom Gouvy knew well, such as Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Gounod. Contents:Six Odes de Ronsard pour ténor et piano, Op. 37 (No. 3 et No. 5 avec violoncelle) Neuf Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 41 Six Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 42 Quatre Odes de Ronsard pour baryton et piano, Op. 43 Huit Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 44 Sept Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 47.
Op. 43, No. 4: Adieu à la jeunesse from Songs of Gouvy, V1 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano (2 songs with violoncello; 1 vocal duet) - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8491-38E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. 5 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8491-38E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8491-38E). French.A French composer, Théodore Gouvy (1819-1898) was one of the most significant composers of 19th Century in Europe. The movement of rediscovering his instrumental music has been increasingly successful in Europe since the 1990s, especially following the birth of L’Institut Gouvy in France. However, his solo vocal music has been waiting to be unveiled to the public. Volume One includes 52 songs of Gouvy.Gouvy traveled widely throughout Europe. He was also a lover of nature. Generally, he spent his winters in Leipzig, but in the summertime, he always returned to Hombourg-Haut, France, to stroll through the woods, to hunt, and to relax. Gouvy was fluent in several languages and had a great appreciation of the Renaissance French Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard whose poetry he had set to music. The fifty-two songs in this volume are largely by Ronsard and other Renaissance poets of La Pléiade.Although Ronsard is approximately 300 years older than Gouvy, they both seem to have the same interest in classical literature, though, admittedly, for different reasons. Celebrated by the French and English courts, Ronsard (1525-1585) was the leader of La Pléiade: a group of seven poets (Joachim Du Bellay (1522-1560), Rémy Belleau (1528-1577), Étienne Jodelle (1532-1573), Pontus de Tyard (1521-1603), Jean–Antoine Baïf (1532-1589), and Jean Daurat (1508-1588), who dedicated their efforts to writing poetry in French rather than in Latin (or Greek) as most of the Romantic poets did. They wished to enrich the French language, and establish a new literature which would be the equal of the other literature of their period, and the equal to poets of the past. French Romantic poetry featured the closeness of the poet to nature, and his ability to communicate with nature by personifying (anthropomorphizing) all of nature’s elements: flowers, the planets, the moon, the breeze, and even the sand upon the shore. As a significant melodist, Gouvy’s treatment of the vocal solo line and his treatment and development of the piano accompaniment places him in the upper echelons as a composer of songs. His diverse cultural life led a rich and significant musical life, interacting with his contemporaries who admired his work, and whom Gouvy knew well, such as Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Gounod. Contents:Six Odes de Ronsard pour ténor et piano, Op. 37 (No. 3 et No. 5 avec violoncelle) Neuf Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 41 Six Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 42 Quatre Odes de Ronsard pour baryton et piano, Op. 43 Huit Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 44 Sept Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 47.
Op. 47, No. 5: Adieu from Songs of Gouvy, V1 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Voice and piano (2 songs with violoncello; 1 vocal duet) - Medium - Digital Download SKU: MQ.8491-09E Composed by MeeAe Cecilia Nam and Theodore Gouvy. 6 pages. E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital #8491-09E. Published by E. C. Schirmer Music Company - Digital (MQ.8491-09E). French.A French composer, Théodore Gouvy (1819-1898) was one of the most significant composers of 19th Century in Europe. The movement of rediscovering his instrumental music has been increasingly successful in Europe since the 1990s, especially following the birth of L’Institut Gouvy in France. However, his solo vocal music has been waiting to be unveiled to the public. Volume One includes 52 songs of Gouvy.Gouvy traveled widely throughout Europe. He was also a lover of nature. Generally, he spent his winters in Leipzig, but in the summertime, he always returned to Hombourg-Haut, France, to stroll through the woods, to hunt, and to relax. Gouvy was fluent in several languages and had a great appreciation of the Renaissance French Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard whose poetry he had set to music. The fifty-two songs in this volume are largely by Ronsard and other Renaissance poets of La Pléiade.Although Ronsard is approximately 300 years older than Gouvy, they both seem to have the same interest in classical literature, though, admittedly, for different reasons. Celebrated by the French and English courts, Ronsard (1525-1585) was the leader of La Pléiade: a group of seven poets (Joachim Du Bellay (1522-1560), Rémy Belleau (1528-1577), Étienne Jodelle (1532-1573), Pontus de Tyard (1521-1603), Jean–Antoine Baïf (1532-1589), and Jean Daurat (1508-1588), who dedicated their efforts to writing poetry in French rather than in Latin (or Greek) as most of the Romantic poets did. They wished to enrich the French language, and establish a new literature which would be the equal of the other literature of their period, and the equal to poets of the past. French Romantic poetry featured the closeness of the poet to nature, and his ability to communicate with nature by personifying (anthropomorphizing) all of nature’s elements: flowers, the planets, the moon, the breeze, and even the sand upon the shore. As a significant melodist, Gouvy’s treatment of the vocal solo line and his treatment and development of the piano accompaniment places him in the upper echelons as a composer of songs. His diverse cultural life led a rich and significant musical life, interacting with his contemporaries who admired his work, and whom Gouvy knew well, such as Liszt, Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Gounod. Contents:Six Odes de Ronsard pour ténor et piano, Op. 37 (No. 3 et No. 5 avec violoncelle) Neuf Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 41 Six Poésies de Ronsard pour soprano ou ténor et piano, Op. 42 Quatre Odes de Ronsard pour baryton et piano, Op. 43 Huit Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 44 Sept Poésies de Ronsard pour ténor ou soprano et piano, Op. 47.
Op. 41, No. 3: Amour, amour, que ma maîtresse est belle from Songs of Gouvy, V1 (Downloadable)
Piano, Voix

$3.00 2.87 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo guitar w/ cd - Digital Download SKU: IZ.GMS111 Composed by Michael Patilla. Score and Parts. 44 pages. Imagine Music - Digital #GMS111. Published by Imagine Music - Digital (IZ.GMS111). 9 x 12 in inches.A Collection of Nine Honduran Pieces for Solo Guitar. CD Included. About the Collection: My friendship with the country of Honduras goes back several years, beginning with an opportunity I had to meet and work with a handful of young guitarists from that country. I have since traveled there a few times to give concerts and teach masterclasses, but my most meaningful experience in Honduras was as a Fulbright Scholar for the 2007-2008 academic year. During that time, I began to work on a project to compile guitar music by Honduran composers, particularly works that would represent the rich cultural heritage of the country. This book is the result of that project and it includes nine previously unknown and unpublished works.In this collection, one will find works that require varying skill levels, from early-intermediate student-level pieces to more advanced works, all suitable for the concert stage. One will also encounter a variety of musical styles, including folksong arrangements, Spanish, Caribbean, jazz, and a Brazilian Bossa Nova. It is my hope that these fresh new works will become a standard part of the repertoire and will be enjoyed by students and professionals alike.
La Historia de Honduras

$30.00 28.67 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

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