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Brass Ensemble - Digital Download SKU: A0.1028133 Composed by Arwyn Bailey. Christian,Gospel,Jewish,Sacred,Spiritual. Score and parts. 113 pages. Galactic Publishers Limited #3382201. Published by Galactic Publishers Limited (A0.1028133). Hope PrevailsThe composition consists of six movements and is for a Brass Quintet with guest instrumentalists of Oboe, Violin, Viola and Soprano voice.The piece explores the moods that many encounter as they go through life from loneliness through to elation. the composers brother experienced these extreme emotions and it resulted in him taking his own life. This piece is dedicated to his memory.The MP3 contains a very short extract from each movement that is a direct download from computer composition software and is therefore not of great quality.The composer is looking for a group to record this piece. Please get in touch if you wish to be part fo a collaborative project perhaps as a school, college, university or other group.The Struggle of the night - 4:09 in length:The first movement commences with sonorous chord sequences and quickly moves to a lively section. The piece incorporates the tune of the Welsh National Anthem along with the hymn tune Cwm Rhondda. The movement moves between the despair and loneliness of the night that one can feel, even when sleeping next to a close partner, and the racing desperation of the mind, whereby patriotic affiliations will calm the soul at these times.  the movement finishes with the tune of Land of my father's resonating but even this is of no comfort, and the troubled mind lies awake and the movement finishes with a flurry of discord.The Solitude - 5.34 in length:The movement begins with a haunting melody led by the Oboe. the Horn soon joins in as do other instruments of the quintet. A simple Gregorian type rhythm and chant passes through the quintet with the Oboe leading the movement.Crescendos and attacked notes give the piece a rise and fall showing the mood of the soul that alternates between a calm and a peak of mood as sleep is hard to come by and a restless state is invoked.It appears that the oboe will be leading the soul into peace yet, at the last moment, the quintet joins in with chords of attack and crescendo followed by a sharp diminuendo to end the piece.The soul has sought solace, yet, all they find is loneliness.Brad's Broadcast - 3:01 in length:The restless soul awakes after a restless night.  The world is full of voices, advice, motivation and answers.In this lively movement, the soul searches for solace and finds sense from some sources, yet, the cacophony of contrary advice and the nature of some disciples of business and life coaches becomes confusing. there are some real gems of advice available, but, the noise of others drowns out the sense and sanity.The soul manages to find some humour in the forums and media, they smile, but the relief is short lived.The movement ends with all voices descending away in a glissando and silence is restored.By His Own Hand - 4:26 in length:This movement reflects the desperation of the soul. they have sought solace, humour has passed them by, they do not feel that they can continue to live.The piece starts with a cadenza played by a viola.  A violin soon duets in this Jewish styled lament.Throughout the movement the brass are spartan, reflecting the confusion of the soul. The ability to cling onto the world and to continue living is a losing battle.The waves of the lament increase in their presence, but not velocity, for the depressed souul is reaching the point of no return and of no choice.They will soon depart from the world by their own hand. The end ofthe movement is a descent and a unifying discordant sound as the soul leaves.Dreaming of Heaven - 2:31 in length:The soul is now rising and an ancient Celtic tune accompanies the soul in the form of a Soprano voice singing words of hope and light.The soul's path is lit and the ancient bell of.
Hope Prevails
Ensemble de cuivres
His Own Hand - 4:26 in length:

This movement reflects the desperation of the soul
they have sought solace, humour has passed them by, they do not feel that they can continue to live
$5.00 4.62 € Ensemble de cuivres PDF SheetMusicPlus

Solo Guitar - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1315103 Composed by Rudesindo Soutelo. Arranged by Guitar. 21st Century,Children,Classical,Contemporary. Individual part. 17 pages. Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo #903830. Published by Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo (A0.1315103). A AndrĂ© Vidal CapomRudesindo SouteloAndrĂ© - 5 peças para uma criança / 5 pieces for a child. (Guitar, ca. 14'40)  1. (A) PrelĂșdio da manhĂŁ / Morning prelude  2. (n) Alvorecer na janela / Dawn in the window  3. (d) Valsa dos soldadinhos de chumbo / Little lead soldiers’ waltz  4. (r) A catedral imergente / The immersing cathedral  5. (Ă©) Marcha da formiga atĂłnita / March of the astonished antISWC: T-045.522.026-4ISMN: 979-0-707704-19-6This work was written as a birthday present for AndrĂ©, a very restless and impulsive 8-year-old, but with great emotional capacity and original thoughts.The “Morning prelude” is the restless awakening; the “Dawn in the window” is the light of the new day enlightening the spirit. Creative imagination manifests itself in the “Little lead soldiers’ waltz”, who turn rifles into pairs to dance with. From the hill where he lives, the boy contemplates the city crowned by “The immersing cathedral”, which was once a spiritual fortress and now the bells echo its inexorable decline, diluting into the surrounding criminal urbanism. The “March of the astonished ant” is about the adventures of an ant who wanders off the path and meets a playful child who likes to put so many obstacles in her way that she is astonished; however, she doesn’t give up her endeavour, takes a deep breath, gains courage and, although exhausted, manages to free herself.The complexes that organise the work are [5, 5, 5, 8] and [9, 7].The original version is for piano. See obra foi composta como prenda de anos para AndrĂ©, uma criança de 8 anos muito inquieta e impulsiva, mas com grande capacidade emocional e reflexĂ”es originais. O “PrelĂșdio da manhã” Ă© o acordar buliçoso; o “Alvorecer na janela” Ă© a luz do novo dia a esclarecer o espĂ­rito. A imaginação criativa manifesta-se na “Valsa dos soldadinhos de chumbo” que transformam as espingardas em pares com quem dançar.Desde a colina onde mora, o menino contempla a cidade coroada por “A catedral imergente” que outrora foi fortaleza espiritual e, agora, os sinos ecoam seu inexorĂĄvel declĂ­nio, diluindo-se no criminoso urbanismo circundante. A “Marcha da formiga atĂłnita” sĂŁo as peripĂ©cias duma formiga que se desvia do carreiro e encontra uma criança brincalhona que gosta de lhe pĂŽr tantos obstĂĄculos no caminho que ela fica atĂłnita; no entanto, nĂŁo desiste do seu empenho, respira fundo, ganha coragem e, ainda que exhausta, consegue libertar-se.Os complexos que organizam a obra sĂŁo [5, 5, 5, 8] e [9, 7].A versĂŁo original Ă© para Piano. Consulte
André (Guitar)

$8.00 7.39 € Guitare PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1289983 Composed by Rudesindo Soutelo. Arranged by Piano. 21st Century,Children,Contemporary. Score. 17 pages. Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo #880677. Published by Publisher by Rudesindo Soutelo (A0.1289983). A AndrĂ© Vidal CapomRudesindo SouteloAndrĂ© - 5 peças para uma criança / 5 pieces for a child. (Piano, ca. 14'40)1. (A) PrelĂșdio da manhĂŁ / Morning prelude2. (n) Alvorecer na janela / Dawn in the window3. (d) Valsa dos soldadinhos de chumbo / Little lead soldiers’ waltz4. (r) A catedral imergente / The immersing cathedral5. (Ă©) Marcha da formiga atĂłnita / March of the astonished antPremiĂšre: 3-X-2006. ColĂłquios da Lusofonia. Centro Cultural Municipal, Bragança. Int.: Yerko P. IvĂĄnovic-Barbeito.ISWC: T-045.522.026-4ISMN: 979-0-707704-18-9This work was written as a birthday present for AndrĂ©, a very restless and impulsive 8-year-old, but with great emotional capacity and original thoughts. The “Morning prelude” is the restless awakening; the “Dawn in the window” is the light of the new day enlightening the spirit. Creative imagination manifests itself in the “Little lead soldiers’ waltz”, who turn rifles into pairs to dance with.From the hill where he lives, the boy contemplates the city crowned by “The immersing cathedral”, which was once a spiritual fortress and now the bells echo its inexorable decline, diluting into the surrounding criminal urbanism. The “March of the astonished ant” is about the adventures of an ant who wanders off the path and meets a playful child who likes to put so many obstacles in her way that she is astonished; however, she doesn’t give up her endeavour, takes a deep breath, gains courage and, although exhausted, manages to free herself.The complexes that organise the work are [5, 5, 5, 8] and [9, 7].There's a guitar transcription. See obra foi composta como prenda de anos para AndrĂ©, uma criança de 8 anos muito inquieta e impulsiva, mas com grande capacidade emocional e reflexĂ”es originais. O “PrelĂșdio da manhã” Ă© o acordar buliçoso; o “Alvorecer na janela” Ă© a luz do novo dia a esclarecer o espĂ­rito. A imaginação criativa manifesta-se na “Valsa dos soldadinhos de chumbo” que transformam as espingardas em pares com quem dançar.Desde a colina onde mora, o menino contempla a cidade coroada por “A catedral imergente” que outrora foi fortaleza espiritual e, agora, os sinos ecoam seu inexorĂĄvel declĂ­nio, diluindo-se no criminoso urbanismo circundante. A “Marcha da formiga atĂłnita” sĂŁo as peripĂ©cias duma formiga que se desvia do carreiro e encontra uma criança brincalhona que gosta de lhe pĂŽr tantos obstĂĄculos no caminho que ela fica atĂłnita; no entanto, nĂŁo desiste do seu empenho, respira fundo, ganha coragem e, ainda que exhausta, consegue libertar-se.Os complexos que organizam a obra sĂŁo [5, 5, 5, 8] e [9, 7].HĂĄ uma transcrição para guitarra. Consulte
André (Piano)
Piano seul

$8.00 7.39 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SSA) - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.912861 Composed by Richard Arnest. Contemporary. Octavo. 10 pages. MUC #2924307. Published by MUC (A0.912861). This mystical poem by the Cuban poet JosĂ© MartĂ­, depicts the Christ Child riding on a desert lion. I set this for three women's voices and obbligato flute, one of a series of works with similar textures. Some have piano, some only two voices.It can be performed with solo voices or a women's chorus. It may be used as a concert piece, as music in a church service, or as part of an Advent or Christmas presentation.Yo sueño con los ojosAbiertos, y de dĂ­aY noche siempre sueño.Y sobre las espumasDel ancho mar revuelto,Y por entre las crespasArenas del desierto,Y del leĂłn pujante,Monarca de mi pecho,Montado alegrementeSobre el sumiso cuello.Un niño que me llamaFlotando siempre veo!– JosĂ© MartĂ­ (1853-1895)I dream with eyesOpen, and by dayAnd night always dream.And above the wavesOf the broad, restless sea,And among the crestingSands of the desertAnd the powerful lion,Ruler of my heartRiding joyfullyOn whose submissive neckA child who calls to me,Floating, always, I see2' for 30 singers
Sueño Despierto (I dream, awake...)
Chorale 3 parties

$20.00 18.47 € Chorale 3 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

String Quartet String Quartet - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1150520 Composed by George Frideric Handel. Arranged by Adrian Gagiu. Baroque,Chamber. 45 pages. Adrian Gagiu #750696. Published by Adrian Gagiu (A0.1150520). Handel’s great set of 12 Concerti grossi (= Grand Concertos, in the first edition) op. 6 are somehow a bit related in spirit, through their power and diversity, with Beethoven’s string quartets. Therefore, here they are arranged for the more ‘abstract’ and ‘timeless’ medium of the string quartet, allowing also for an addition to the repertoire of the respective ensembles. Articulation, tempo and dynamics indications were specified or added where needed, and all the trills were indicated to start with the upper auxiliary note, not only according to the Baroque performance practice but also fitting to the melodic contour. The movements of Concerto grosso in A minor, op. 6 no. 4: 1. Larghetto affettuoso – solemn, melancholy and broad; 2. Allegro – an energetic, syncopated and somber fugue; 3. Largo – a sublime, soft and simple sarabande in F major, with walking bass; 4. Allegro – restless and dramatic. Total duration 10 min. The mp3 audio clip is the third movement. Performing Rights Organization: SOCAN.
Concerto grosso in A minor op. 6 no. 4
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle

$20.00 18.47 € Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, alto, violoncelle PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1295702 Composed by Donald Ashwander. Ragtime. Score. 6 pages. The Donald Ashwander Estate #886000. Published by The Donald Ashwander Estate (A0.1295702). Business In Town is a solo piano ragtime composition that takes the listener on a nostalgic journey back to the Great Depression era in Bessemer, Alabama. This musical piece is inspired by the childhood memories of Ashwander, who recalls spending time on his grandparent's farm during those challenging times.The piece begins with a lively and rhythmic introduction, representing the excitement and anticipation of a young child yearning for adventure. The syncopated melodies and playful piano rhythms evoke the youthful energy and restlessness of the composer as he dreamed of escaping the farm life for the excitement of the city. The use of ragtime syncopation adds a playful and nostalgic element to the composition, evoking the spirit of the 1930s.As the composition progresses, the listener can hear the sound of a horse's hooves and the creaking of a wagon as it embarks on its journey. The main theme of the piece, introduced by the piano, captures the bumpy and unpredictable nature of the road, with unexpected twists and turns in the melody symbolizing the potholes, ruts, rocks, and crannies that Maud (the horse) and the wagon encounter along the way.The final page of the sheet music contains special program notes by Donald Ashwander.
Business In Town
Piano seul

$5.95 5.49 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

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