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Piano - intermediate to advanced - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q3154 Nocturnes. Composed by Stefan Heucke. This edition: Sheet music. Downloadable. Op. 32. Duration 5 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q3154. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q3154). Der Titel des Klavierzyklus’ Nacht-Urnen ist ein makabres Wortspiel mit dem französischen Begriff Noct-urne. Die Assoziation Urne - Grabgefäß ist beabsichtigt, denn die Gattung des romantischen Nachtstücks für Klavier wird in diesen Stücken - zumindest im übertragenen Sinne - zu Grabe getragen. Das erste Stück Nocturne greift auf den dreiteiligen Typ des Chopin’schen Nocturnes zurück. Einer von zart getropften Tönen umspielten Melodie folgt ein bewegt - aufgewühlter Mittelteil, dem sich die Reprise des ersten Teils anschließt, diesmal allerdings wird die Melodie von leise rauschenden Skalen umspielt, ehe eine beinahe nüchterne Coda die musikalische Quintessenz brennglasartig zusammenfasst und bündelt. Dieses Stück entstand 1998 und war Pflichtstück beim Internationalen Schubert-Wettbewerb 2000 in Dortmund. Die drei folgenden Stücke bilden gewissermaßen eine Einheit. Nummer zwei Ciacona notturna ist ein höchst virtuoses Werk für die linke Hand allein, in dem sich große Klavierkomponisten, die Werke für die linke Hand allein geschrieben haben – Alkan, Brahms, Godowsky, Ravel, Prokofieff – gleichsam ein nächtliches Stelldichein geben. Das dritte Stück Unendliche Melodie – Melodie der Unendlichkeit (für die rechte Hand allein – meines Wissens außer einer Etüde von Alkan das einzige existierende Werk für die rechte Hand allein) spielt mit der Idee eines Zeitkontinuums, das schon vor Beginn des Stückes unhörbar im Raum war und sich auch nach dem Ende des Stückes in alle Ewigkeit weiter fortsetzen könnte. Ein einzelner Ton f in der Mitte der Klaviatur wird 55 Takte lang angeschlagen und über ihm entfaltet sich eine weit gespannte Melodie, die die rechte Hand alleine ausspinnt. Exakt beim Höhepunkt der Melodie (es ist der Goldene Schnitt), wechselt das f zum e, das weitere 33 Takte lang angeschlagen wird, während die Melodie darüber wieder zurück zur Mitte findet. Diese 88 Takte symbolisieren die Unendlichkeit: 8 als barockes Zahlensymbol für die Vollkommenheit der Ewigkeit und die liegende 8 als mathematisches Symbol für die Unendlichkeit. Schließlich ist in dem Titel des Stückes noch eine Anspielung auf Richard Wagners Begriff der Unendlichen Melodie enthalten. Nach einem Stück für die linke und einem für die rechte Hand allein, kann sich als viertes nur ein Unisonostück anschließen, in dem beide Hände stets die gleichen Töne, aber in unterschiedlichen Oktavabständen und verschiedenen rhythmischen Akzenten spielen. La scala dell’inferno (Die Höllenleiter) stürzt von höchster Höhe in rasenden Skalen in die tiefsten Regionen des Klaviers hinab, unterbrochen von zwei kurzen Zitaten des Dies Irae in der Mitte. Der Schlusssatz schließlich Marche funèbre knüpft in seiner düsteren Unentrinnbarkeit an die großen Trauermarschvorbilder Beethovens (op. 26) und Chopins (op.35) an. Die sich in schwerem Fünfertakt entlang rollenden düsteren Tonkaskaden werden in der Mitte von einem gläsern-durchsichtigen Mittelteil unterbrochen, der in seiner gleißenden, fast schneidenden Helligkeit Assoziationen an Nahtoderlebnisse nahe legen mag. Die Nacht-Urnen op. 32 wurden 2001 im Museum Baden in Solingen von dem Pianisten Rainer Klaas uraufgeführt, dem der Zyklus auch gewidmet ist. - Stefan Heucke.
Piano seul

$33.99 32.48 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Digital Download SKU: S9.Q25917 Vocal Score based on the Richard Wagner Complete Edition edited by Wolfgang M. Wagner. Composed by Richard Wagner. This edition: vocal/piano score. Erstveröffentlichung - Oper - Theater. Wagner Urtext Piano/Vocal Scores. Downloadable, Piano reduction. Schott Music - Digital #Q25917. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q25917). German • French.An important addition to Schott's newly published orchestral material is the first publication of piano scores for the ten major operas by Richard Wagner in all major versions. For the first time, we offer the stages and interested opera lovers piano scores as urtext editions that were designed according to uniform editorial criteria.•The score is aligned with the performance material of the Complete Edition. •All piano scores have study numbers and continuous measure numbers for rehearsal and study practice. •The editors are renowned musicologists from the circles of those working on the Richard Wagner Complete Edition who contribute detailed information on the respective editions to the critical prefaces.•The prefaces are printed in three languages (German, English, French). •The uniform appealing cover design with reproductions of paintings from the Wagner era emphasizes the serial character of the edition.TANNHÄUSERFor the Richard Wagner Complete Edition, the editors Egon Voss, Peter Jost and Reinhard Strohm as well as Cristina Urchueguía have researched and presented Tannhäuser's genesis and history of more than thirty years, which also took about thirty years of scientific work, on 2,959 pages in eight volumes. With the present piano score, the findings gathered therein shall now also to be made accessible for the musical practice. (Wolfgang M. Wagner, quoted from the foreword to the new Tannhäuser piano score)The piano score unites for the first time all four stages of the work (the score as of 1845, the score as of 1860, the Paris version as of 1861/62 with the complete French text of this version, and the Vienna version as of 1875) in a single excerpt for rehearsal and study practice, thus allowing the comparison of the versions, without sacrificing practicability.All variants are printed one after the other in the chronological sequence of the action on the stage, so that each of them can be explored in their context of action by simply turning over the pages. Only two variants rejected before the Paris premiere were printed separately in the appendix. A fascinating insight into Richard Wagner's thinking in terms of stage practice and into his very precise ideas of tonal balance, scenic details and role-conception are made possible by the quotations printed in key passages from his work On the Performance of Tannhäuser, published in 1852.For example, soon after the world premiere, Wagner suggested the deletion of bars in the orchestral part in the 4th scene of Act I, reasoning that […] due to the tremendous woodenness and self-consciousness of our usual supernumeraries, the impression of overwhelming liveliness, which was intended by me and which was to imply a heightening of the mood led up to by the liveliest manifestations of life, was not achieved. (piano reduction, p. 221)In the big ensemble scene at the end of Act II, Wagner puts in a comment at a certain passage, referring to the conductor and his great responsibility for tonal balance:The exclamations 'Ach, erbarm' dich mein!' require such a piercing emphasis that he [the performer of Tannhauser] as a mere, well-trained singer is not enough; it is but the highest dramatic art that has to provide him the energy of pain and desperation for an expression that must seem to break forth from the most gruesome depths of an awfully woeful heart, like a cry for salvation. The conductor has to ensure that the implied success is made possible for the principal singer by the most discrete accompaniment of the other singers as well as of the orchestra. (piano reduction, p. 367)3 (3. auch Picc.) · 2 · 2 · Bassklar. [nicht in Pariser F.] · 2 - 2 Ventilhr. · 2 Waldhr. · 3 Ventiltrp. · 3 · 1 [Pariser F.: Ophicléïde] - P. S. (Trgl. · Beck. · Tamb. · gr. Tr. · Tamt. [Pariser F.] · Kast. [Pariser/Wiener F.) (2-3 Spieler) - Str. Auf dem Theater: 2 Picc. [P/W: 1] · 4 Fl. [P/W: 2] · 4 Ob. [P/W: 2] · Engl. Hr. · 6 Klar. [P/W: 3] · 4 Fg. [P: 2, W: 0] - 12 Wald-Hr. · 12 Trp. [P: 9] · 4 Pos. [P/W: 4 Hr.] - Trgl. · Beck. · Tamb. · Kast. [nur in P] - Hfe. [in P/W].
Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg

$53.99 51.59 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

3 (3. auch Picc.) · 2 · Engl. Hr. · 2 · Bassklar. · 3 - 4 · 3 · 3 · 1 - P. S. (Trgl. · Bck.) - Hfe. - Str. Auf der Bühne: Engl. Hr. · 6 Hr. · 3 Trp. · 3 Pos. - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q17773 Handlung in drei Aufzügen. Composed by Richard Wagner. This edition: vocal/piano score. Initial release - Opera - theater. Wagner Urtext Piano/Vocal Scores. Downloadable, Piano reduction. Duration 270' 0. Schott Music - Digital #Q17773. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q17773). German.An important addition to the newly produced orchestral materials by Schott Music is the fi rst publication of vocal scores of Richard Wagner’s ten great operas in every important version. For the first time, we are able to offer theatres and interested opera-lovers vocal scores as urtext editions conceived following uniform editorial criteria: * The score corresponds to the performance materials from the Complete Edition. * For practical use in rehearsal and study, every vocal score includes rehearsal cues and bar numbers throughout. * The publisher has secured the services of renowned musicologists associated with the Richard Wagner Complete Edition who convey detailed information in critical forewords. * The forewords are given in three languages (German, English, French). * Uniform and attractive front cover designs with reproductions of paintings from the Wagner era underline the series design of the edition. TRISTAN UND ISOLDE Performance directions by the singer Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld are incorporated in the vocal score from the Complete Edition’s Tristan und Isolde volume. He entered these directions into his own copy of the Tristan part which he used at the 1865 Munich premiere. Richard Wagner was deeply impressed by his interpretation of the title role. For the first time in a vocal score of Tristan und Isolde all cuts are incorporated—with the corresponding transitional bars—which Wagner himself made, and approved, in two cases, were actually declared by him to be final. These cuts strikingly document Wagner’s struggle with the final form of the work. For the first time in a single edition all of Wagner’s own suggestions for ossias are found; ossias which evolved from performances under his own direction. Egon Voss writes about this in his foreword to the vocal score: “Such ‘pointers’, as you might say, were current practice in the 19th century which Wagner, as the example shows, did not evade. He was enough of a practical man of the theatre to know that a badly sung top note is worse than doing without it. Wagner even tolerated the transposition of lengthier passages because he was less concerned with the letter of the score than with theatrical effectiveness. [...] The present vocal score goes beyond the Complete Edition [...] in that the ossias mentioned above are indicated in the vocal part itself, in small notes. They concern principally the role of Tristan, but also those of Isolde, Brangäne and Kurwenal. They rest in part on the Tristan edition within the Complete Edition but for the greater part go back to a source which could not be consulted for the Complete Edition because it was not yet accessible. This relates to a vocal score from the estate of the composer Peter Cornelius who was engaged by Wagner as repetiteur at the Vienna rehearsals in 1861-63. That the ossia bars go back to Wagner can be taken as certain, since in some places they are notated in his own hand.†(Egon Voss, quoted from the foreword to the vocal score) The transpositions mentioned by Egon Voss—two by Hans von Bülow for the revival of the work which he conducted in Munich in 1869 and the third suggested by Wagner himself in 1861—are printed in the appendix to the vocal score. The ossias, transpositions, and cuts are available for practical use in the theatre and in rehearsal. The cuts are also incorporated into the orchestral materials for Tristan und Isolde. This is also the case with ossias which affect the orchestral parts.2013 marks Wagner’s bicentenary, making the year largely focused on his music, particularly the dramatic works. An important addition to the newly produced orchestral materials by Schott Music. The score corresponds to the performance materials from the Complete Edition. Schott Music have secured the services of renowned musicologists associated with the Richard Wagner Complete Edition who convey detailed information in critical forewords. For the first time, this work is available to theatres and interested opera-lovers as urtext editions. For practical use in rehearsal and study, every vocal score includes rehearsal cues and bar numbers throughout. The forewords are given in three languages (German, English, and French). Other vocal scores available: Der fliegende Holländer (1841) Der fliegende Holländer (1842-80) Tannhäuser Lohengrin Das Rheingold Die Walküre Siegfried Götterdämmerung Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Parsifal.
Tristan und Isolde

$47.99 45.86 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Picc. · 2 · 2 · Engl. Hr. · 2 · 2 - 2 Ventil-Hr. · 2 Natur-Hr. · 2 Ventil-Trp. · 3 Pos. · Basstb. - P. - Str. Auf der Bühne: 3 Picc. (womöglich mehrfach besetzt) - 6 Hr. - Tamtam - Windschleuder - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q25915 Romantic Opera in 3 Acts. Composed by Richard Wagner. This edition: vocal/piano score. Initial release - Opera - theater. Wagner Urtext Piano/Vocal Scores. Downloadable, Piano reduction. Duration 135' 0. Schott Music - Digital #Q25915. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q25915). German • English.An important addition to our newly produced orchestral materials is the first publication of vocal scores of Wagner’s ten great operas, in every important version, based on the Complete Edition. * The score corresponds to the performance materials from the Complete Edition. * For practical use in rehearsal cues and bar numbers throughout. * The publisher has secured the services of renewed musicologists associated with the Richard Wagner Complete Edition who convey detailed information in critical forewords. * The forewords are given in three languages(German, English, French). * Uniform and attractive front cover designs with reproductions of paintings from the Wagner era underline the series design of the edition. DER FLIEGENDE HOLLÄNDER (Original version) With this edition, the original version of Wagner’s opera Der fliegende Holländer [The flying Dutchman] WWV 63 is made available to the public for the first time in piano score form. The score on which the edition is based was published in the Richard Wagner-Complete Edition 1983: Richard Wagner. Collected works Vol. 4, I-II, The Flying Dutchman. Romantic opera in three acts (original version 1841), edited by Isolde Vetter (Schott Music International, Mainz, RWA 104-10/RWA 104-20).†(Egon Voss, quoted from the foreword of the new Der fliegende Holländer vocal score) Original version and 1842-1880 version The original version of Der fliegende Holländer dates from 1841. Wagner, at the time a completely unknown Kapellmeister in France, trying to get a foothold in Paris, saw the opportunity for a stage work that would meet the fashion at the Paris Opera of performing several short works one after another. Der fliegende Holländer, conceived in 1840 and composed in 1841, seemed to him suited to the purpose. In 1841, even when Wagner no longer counted on a success in Paris, he still held to the conception of a one-act opera and offered the work to German opera houses under the title of “Romantic Opera in One Act and Three Scenesâ€. This version is set in Scotland, taking as the literary model for the opera Heinrich Heine’s novel fragment “From the Memoirs of Mr. Schnabelewopskiâ€, and the protagonists have English names. This version was never performed in Wagner’s lifetime. Beginning in 1842, the work went through a tale of constant revision: Even before the Dresden premiere (2nd January 1843) Wagner undertook fundamental alterations. He transposed the location from Scotland to Norway, changed character’s names as appropriate, divided the opera into three acts – not least due to considerations of scene changes – and transposed Senta’s Ballad from A minor to G minor. It was in this version that the score of the opera went to print in 1845. For a performance in 1860 he composed the later so-called ‘Tristan’ or ‘Redemption’ ending to the Overture. Until the very end of his life, Wagner contemplated a plan for a final score or a definitive vocal score: it never came to be, so that to this day, as with Tannhäuser, we still do not have Der fliegende Holländer in a final version. Based on the research conducted in the creation of the Complete Edition, our editions contain, in one case the original version of 1841, while the other essentially goes back to the first printing of the score of 1845, but with the addition of the source material for the retouchings dating from 1842 to 1889. VOCAL SCORES The original version of the opera was made available for the first time in a vocal score in 2005 (ED 8065). The completely revised new edition of the vocal score of the 1842-1880 version appeared in 2011 (ED 20531).Les opéras de Richard Wagner paraissent pour la première fois sous forme de piano-chant chez Schott en version originale. Sont déjà publiés dans la série : L’Or du Rhin, Lohengrin, Parsifal et Le Vaisseau fantôme (première version de 1841 et version 1842-1880). Les autres opéras de Wagner représentés à Bayreuth paraîtront d'ici 2013, année anniversaire de la naissance du compositeur.
The Flying Dutchman

$42.99 41.08 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Picc. · 2 · 2 · Engl. Hr. · 2 · 2 - 4 · 2 · 3 · 1 - P. - Str. Auf dem Theater: 3 Picc. · 6 Hr. · Tamt. · Windschleuder - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q25918 Romantische Oper in drei Aufzügen. Composed by Richard Wagner. This edition: vocal/piano score. Initial release - opera - theater. Wagner Urtext Piano/Vocal Scores. Downloadable, Piano reduction. Schott Music - Digital #Q25918. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q25918). German.An important addition to our newly produced orchestral materials is the first publication of vocal scores of Wagner’s ten great operas, in every important version, based on the Complete Edition. * The score corresponds to the performance materials from the Complete Edition. * For practical use in rehearsal cues and bar numbers throughout. * The publisher has secured the services of renewed musicologists associated with the Richard Wagner Complete Edition who convey detailed information in critical forewords. * The forewords are given in three languages(German, English, French). * Uniform and attractive front cover designs with reproductions of paintings from the Wagner era underline the series design of the edition. DER FLIEGENDE HOLLÄNDER (1842-1880 version) This piano reduction is based on the edition of Der fliegende Holländer from the Critical Complete Edition of Richard Wagner’s works (Richard Wagner, Sämtliche Werke [Collected works], Vol. 4, III-VI, edited by Egon Voss, Mainz, 2000f.) The primary source for this edition was the first print of the score dating from 1845 which had however been augmented utilising the sources of additions undertaken after 1845, meaning that this edition is actually a compilation of the final versions of all individual sections or relevant details. The overture for example dates back to 1860 whereas No. 1 appears in the version from 1864. What is however most significant is that the versions from the Collected Editions based on new sources is without doubt closer to the original than the score from 1897 edited by Felix Weingartner which had previously formed the basis for all editions and logically also for all performances.†(Egon Voss, quoted from the foreword of the new Der fliegende Holländer vocal score) Original version and 1842-1880 version The original version of Der fliegende Holländer dates from 1841. Wagner, at the time a completely unknown Kapellmeister in France, trying to get a foothold in Paris, saw the opportunity for a stage work that would meet the fashion at the Paris Opera of performing several short works one after another. Der fliegende Holländer, conceived in 1840 and composed in 1841, seemed to him suited to the purpose. In 1841, even when Wagner no longer counted on a success in Paris, he still held to the conception of a one-act opera and offered the work to German opera houses under the title of “Romantic Opera in One Act and Three Scenesâ€. This version is set in Scotland, taking as the literary model for the opera Heinrich Heine’s novel fragment “From the Memoirs of Mr. Schnabelewopskiâ€, and the protagonists have English names. This version was never performed in Wagner’s lifetime. Beginning in 1842, the work went through a tale of constant revision: Even before the Dresden premiere (2nd January 1843) Wagner undertook fundamental alterations. He transposed the location from Scotland to Norway, changed character’s names as appropriate, divided the opera into three acts – not least due to considerations of scene changes – and transposed Senta’s Ballad from A minor to G minor. It was in this version that the score of the opera went to print in 1845. For a performance in 1860 he composed the later so-called ‘Tristan’ or ‘Redemption’ ending to the Overture. Until the very end of his life, Wagner contemplated a plan for a final score or a definitive vocal score: it never came to be, so that to this day, as with Tannhäuser, we still do not have Der fliegende Holländer in a final version. Based on the research conducted in the creation of the Complete Edition, our editions contain, in one case the original version of 1841, while the other essentially goes back to the first printing of the score of 1845, but with the addition of the source material for the retouchings dating from 1842 to 1889. VOCAL SCORES The original version of the opera was made available for the first time in a vocal score in 2005 (ED 8065). The completely revised new edition of the vocal score of the 1842-1880 version appeared in 2011 (ED 20531).
Der fliegende Holländer

$47.99 45.86 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

3 (3. auch Picc.) · 3 · Engl. Hr. · 3 · Bassklar. · 3 · Kfg. - 4 · 3 · 3 · 1 - P. - 2 Hfn. - Str. Auf dem Theater: 6 Trp. · 6 Pos. · Glocken · Rührtr. · Donnermasch. - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q17854 Ein Bühnenweihfestspiel in drei Aufzügen. Composed by Richard Wagner. This edition: vocal/piano score. Initial release - piano - opera. Wagner Urtext Piano/Vocal Scores. Downloadable, Piano reduction. Schott Music - Digital #Q17854. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q17854). German.An important addition to our newly produced orchestral materials is the first publication of vocal scores of Wagner’s ten great operas, in every important version, based on the Complete Edition. * The score corresponds to the performance materials from the Complete Edition. * For practical use in rehearsal cues and bar numbers throughout. * The publisher has secured the services of renewed musicologists associated with the Richard Wagner Complete Edition who convey detailed information in critical forewords. * The forewords are given in three languages(German, English, French). * Uniform and attractive front cover designs with reproductions of paintings from the Wagner era underline the series design of the edition. PARSIFAL This piano reduction corresponds to the edition of Parsifal contained in the critical Complete Edition of the musical works of Richard Wagner (Richard Wagner, Sämtliche Werke, Vol. 14, I-III, edited by Egon Voss and Martin Geck, Mainz 1972f.) The chief source for the edition was Wagner’s autograph score, as the first printed score dating from 1883 on which all previous editions had been based had not been authorised by the composer and displayed significant deviations in comparison with the autograph. Further details can be found in the above-mentioned volumes of the Complete Edition.†(Amélie Pauli, quoted from the foreword of the new Parsifal vocal score; translated by Lindsay Chalmers-Gerbracht).

$47.99 45.86 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

3 (3. auch Picc.) · 3 (3. auch Engl. Hr) · 3 (3. auch Bassklar.) · 3 - 4 · 3 · 3 · 1 - P. S. (Trgl. · Beck. · Tamb.) - Hfe. · Str. Auf dem Theater: 3 (3. auch Picc.) · 3 · 3 · 3 - 4 · 12 · 4 · 0 - P. S. (Trgl. · Beck. · Rührtr.) - Hrf. · Org. - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q25916 Romantic Opera in three acts. Composed by Richard Wagner. This edition: vocal/piano score. Erstveröffentlichung - Oper - Theater. Wagner Urtext Piano/Vocal Scores. Downloadable, Piano reduction. Duration 240' 0. Schott Music - Digital #Q25916. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q25916). German.Many Wagner lovers and musicians wish for piano scores of Richard Wagner's operas based on the Critical Richard Wagner Complete Edition. We therefore aim at publishing all piano scores of Richard Wagner's major operas based on the musical text of the complete edition by his 200th birthday in 2013. The piano score of the original version of the opera 'The Flying Dutchman' (ED 8065) which has been available for some time is now followed by Wagner's romantic opera 'Lohengrin'.

$47.99 45.86 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Woodwind Ensemble,Woodwind Quartet Alto Flute - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1508774 By Francesco Leone. By Richard Wagner. Arranged by Francesco Leone. Romantic Period. 22 pages. Glissato Edizioni Musicali #1084042. Published by Glissato Edizioni Musicali (A0.1508774). Experience the profound and stirring Pilgrim's Chorus from Richard Wagner's opera Tannhäuser, beautifully transcribed for Flute Quartet by Francesco Leone. This arrangement captures the emotional depth and grandeur of Wagner's original composition, making it accessible for intermediate-level flutists.Includes:Full ScoreSet of Parts (5):C Flute 1C Flute 2C Flute 3C Flute 4Optional G Alto Flute (instead of Flute 4)Features:Emotional Depth: Francesco Leone's transcription preserves the rich harmonies and sweeping melodies of Wagner's Pilgrim's Chorus, ensuring a powerful and moving performance.Intermediate Level: This arrangement is tailored for intermediate-level flutists, offering a balanced challenge that is both rewarding and accessible.Flexible Instrumentation: The inclusion of an optional part for G Alto Flute provides flexibility in ensemble configuration, accommodating different instrumental setups.Comprehensive Package: Includes a full score and individual parts for each member of the quartet, facilitating a smooth rehearsal and performance process.Why Choose This Transcription? This transcription is perfect for flute quartets looking to explore the rich traditions of operatic music and add a piece of profound beauty to their repertoire. Whether for concerts, recitals, or special events, Pilgrim's Chorus arranged by Francesco Leone offers a captivating and inspiring musical experience.Bring the majestic and moving sounds of Richard Wagner's Pilgrim's Chorus to your flute quartet and touch the hearts of your audience with this timeless masterpiece. Get your copy today and let Wagner's music inspire your next performance!
Pilgrim's Chorus from "Tannhäuser" - Flute Quartet (score & parts)
Francesco Leone
$12.00 11.47 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano - advanced to difficult - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q22575 Recitative and Romance from Tannhäuser by Richard Wagner. Composed by Richard Wagner. Edited by Wilhelm Ohmen. Arranged by Franz Liszt. This edition: Sheet music. Copyright 2012 Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, Mainz. Downloadable. 6 pages. Duration 6 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q22575. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q22575). Arrangements for the piano, transcriptions and opera paraphrases take up a large part in Franz Liszt's complete œuvre. He even arranged scenes from the music dramas of Richard Wagner. The transcription of 'Lied an den Abendstern' comes from the third act of the romantic opera Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg. In his transcription of 1849 Liszt kept exactly to Wagner's original but he divided the scene into 'Recitative' and 'Romance'. He transposed the piece to the keys of G sharp minor and A flat major, which sound warmer on the piano and which also allow for a more easy-to-play romantic piano setting. Liszt uses the cantilena of the violoncellos in Wagner's original as tonal highlight with octaves in the descant. A transcription that is beautiful to listen to for both pianist and audience and perfectly suitable for concert performances and recitals.
O thou beloved evening star
Piano seul

$10.99 10.5 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soprano voice,Vocal Solo - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1303524 By Richard Wagner. By Richard Wagner. Arranged by Nicole Elyse DiPaolo. 19th Century,Classical,Opera,Romantic Period. 5 pages. Nicole Elyse DiPaolo #893099. Published by Nicole Elyse DiPaolo (A0.1303524). The first of its kind, this is a genuinely playable piano/vocal reduction of O Sachs! Mein Freund!, Eva's aria from Richard Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg. Dramatic sopranos who love this aria no longer need to fear bringing it in for auditions, last-minute performing engagements, or other situations in which the pianist is unlikely to know this aria and may become rattled by the chaotic piano reductions in the currently available vocal scores. Pianists with limited practice time may now enjoy playing this aria comfortably as well. Because vocal line/orchestral doublings are characteristic of Wagner, those have been preserved in this edition. All Accessible Accompaniments, including this one, boast several unique features:1. No reduction ever requires stretches of over an octave, not including bass notes meant to be held or “fudged†with the pedal (though octaves may also contain chord tones within them). This reduces the amount of rearranging that smaller-handed pianists must already do. Obviously, further reworkings are to be expected and pianists should feel free to add to or modify what I’ve provided.2. I’ve included less essential, but potentially desirable additional voices/passages in cue-size noteheads so that pianists can easily see them, but know that they are not necessary in a “sink or swim†accompanying situation. Presenting less essential material in cue-size noteheads also reduces visual clutter on the page.3. In addition to the composer’s markings, when needed, I have included hints on particular notes to bring out when the singer is likely to need them as a pitch anchor or when it is not obvious which line should be brought out within the texture.4. All page turns have been carefully selected so as to result in the least possible disruption to the pianist when possible. When an inevitable page turn precedes a potentially surprising note or chord, I’ve included the next downbeat’s notes in cue-size stemless noteheads at the end of the preceding measure.5. When known, I’ve noted alternate cuts that singers might like to take within certain arias.6. In some cases I’ve modernized spelling conventions for easier readability (for example, by replacing “߆with “ss†in German arias) and occasionally I've enharmonically respelled brief passages for greater clarity.
O Sachs! Mein Freund! (Eva's Aria) from Die Meistersinger - Accessible Accompaniments Edition
Voix Soprano, Piano
Richard Wagner
$8.95 8.55 € Voix Soprano, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soloists and orchestra - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q24064 Der Ring des Nibelungen. Composed by Richard Wagner. This edition: study score. Choral music - Ernst Eulenburg - Score. Eulenburg Miniature Scores. Diese Studienpartitur fußt auf der Richard Wagner Gesamtausgabe und bietet den aktuellsten Forschungsstand. Ein „Muss für Wagner-Liebhaber, Opernfreunde und Bibliotheken. Downloadable, Study score. Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH - Digital #Q24064. Published by Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH - Digital (S9.Q24064). German.'Siegfried', the third part of Wagner's Ring des ‘Nibelungen, is now available. Framed by the much darker operas 'Die Walküre' and 'Götterdämmerung', 'Siegfried' acts as their bright counterpart. Its musical action is characterized by cheerfulness and idyllic natural scenes. And yet, 'Siegfried' is not without dramatic elements. A quarter of a century was to pass from the first (text) sketches to the world premiere. In that time Wagner wrote and premiered 'Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg' as well as 'Tristan und Isolde' had seen the light of day and may have left their marks. The score is based on the volumes 12/I-III (RWA 112-10, 112-20, 112-30) of the Wagner Complete Edition.

$59.99 57.32 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Ensemble - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.931278 Composed by Richard Wagner. Arranged by Alessandro Macrì. Film/TV,Romantic Period,Standards. Score and parts. 30 pages. Music Macri Editions #6135905. Published by Music Macri Editions (A0.931278). Lohengrin Ã¨ un'opera romantica tedesca scritta e composta da Richard Wagner; si tratta della sua sesta composizione di questo genere in ordine cronologico. Ne è la fonte il poema epico medievale tedesco Parzival di Wolfram von Eschenbach. Lohengrin, il cavaliere del cigno, uno dei custodi del Santo Graal, è infatti figlio di Parsifal, mitico cavaliere della Tavola rotonda, a sua volta protagonista dell'ultimo dramma di Wagner, scritto trent'anni dopo.Il Morgenlied è stato arrangiato per Brass Choir, composto da 18 strumenti:- 2 trombe in DO sulla torre A- 2 trombe in DO sulla torre B- 4 trombe in DO- 4 Corni in FA- 4 Tromboni- Trombone Basso- TubaLa prima rappresentazione si tenne a Weimar nel 1850 e fu curata da Franz Liszt, amico e sostenitore di Wagner, all'epoca in esilio perché coinvolto nei moti del 1849.La prima italiana (che fu anche il debutto assoluto di un'opera di Wagner sulle scene nazionali) si svolse invece nel 1871 a Bologna.
MORGENLIED from Lohengrin
Ensemble de cuivres

$11.00 10.51 € Ensemble de cuivres PDF SheetMusicPlus

Digital Download SKU: S9.Q25920 The Nibelung's Ring. Composed by Richard Wagner. This edition: vocal/piano score. Initial release - Opera - theater. Wagner Urtext Piano/Vocal Scores. Downloadable, Piano reduction. Schott Music - Digital #Q25920. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q25920). German.'Siegfried' now completes the new edition of piano scores of Richard Wagner's 10 canonical operas based on the scientific complete edition. They are actually the first urtext editions of Wagner's operas. Apart from the critically revised musical text, the editions are characterized by challenging notation and practical aids such as rehearsal and bar numbers. Prefaces provide information on the genesis and early history of reception while further annotations document important rehearsal instructions of Wagner.4 (3. u. 4. auch Picc.) · 4 (4. auch Engl. Hr.) · 4 (4. auch Bassklar.) · 3 - 8 (5. u. 7. auch Tenortb., 6. u. 8. auch Basstb.) · 3 · Basstrp. · 4 (4. auch Kb.-Pos.) · Basstb. · Kb.-Tb. - P. S. (Glsp. · Trgl. · Beckenpaar · Tamt.) (2 Spieler) - 6 Hfn. - Str. (16 · 16 · 12 · 12 · 8) Auf dem Theater: 1 Engl. Hr. · 1 Hr. · Schmiedehammer · Donnermaschine.

$47.99 45.86 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Trumpet Ensemble Flugelhorn,Trumpet - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1269552 By Richard Wagner. By Richard Wagner. Arranged by Caleb James. Chamber,Contest,Festival,Romantic Period,Standards. 17 pages. Caleb James #862099. Published by Caleb James (A0.1269552). Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral is an iconic and stirring composition by the renowned German composer Richard Wagner, taken from his opera Lohengrin. This trumpet choir arrangement has been thoughtfully adapted for high school-level musicians, making it accessible for young players while retaining the grandeur and emotional depth of the original piece.Arranged specifically for three trumpets and six flugelhorns, this rendition of Elsa's Procession showcases the beauty and power of the trumpet family. The arrangement features ten trumpet parts, allowing for a diverse group of players to come together and create a harmonious and majestic performance.This arrangement is ideal for high school trumpet ensembles looking to explore classical and romantic repertoire while honing their ensemble playing skills. It offers an excellent opportunity for young musicians to work on dynamics, articulation, and phrasing, as well as to understand the emotional nuances within the music.
Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral
Richard Wagner
$9.99 9.55 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

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