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Piano Solo - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1031280 Composed by Adam R. Hass. Arranged by Adam R. Hass. Concert,Instructional,Standards. Score. 4 pages. Adam R. Hass #6073933. Published by Adam R. Hass (A0.1031280).      This is my first original composition with PDF sheet music upload.  The piece is a beginner's level variation on my theme, Changing Seasons, which I composed originally in October of 2008.  Eventually this piece will be published for a large ensemble but for now, I am sticking with humble beginings.       This version of the song is meant to serve as an etude for piano.  The song is a fun study of arpeggiation, intriguing chordal movement including secondary dominants, repeats with 1st and 2nd endings, classic piano technique, dexterity, and a small homage to Pachelbel's Canon (although not in D, in this case.)  This etude is written in the key of C Major for ease of learning's sake.  The original composition was written in the key of D Major.       I used PreSonus' Notion 6 for this project.  However, I ran into a plethora of difficulties when I transferred the file over to PDF format.  Some text was lost as well as the majority of all my performance and technique notes in the score.  I will try to correct this ASAP and get the score reloaded.  I really just need to get something posted on here because I AM a composer and I have never actually shared a composition in musical score form for others to purchase, play or peruse.  This is my first ever.  I hope whoever selects this piece enjoys it and might offer some constructive criticism or insight.  Have fun!  (Note, the piece is intended to be played at approximately 120 bpm but I encourage playing it slowly several times at first to figure out a way through the printing errors for now).
Changing Seasons (an etude for piano)
Piano seul

$2.50 2.39 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mixed choir (SATB) and piano - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q48008 Georg Kreisler - Lieder und Chansons. Composed by Georg Kreisler. Arranged by Patrick Ehrich. This edition: choral score. Schwarzer Humor - Liebe. Georg Kreisler für Chor. Downloadable, Choral score. Duration 3 minutes, 15 seconds. Schott Music - Digital #Q48008. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q48008). English.Georg Kreisler - das ist scharfer, tiefsinnig schwarzer Humor! Die Singphoniker haben Georg Kreislers bekannteste Lieder für Männerensemble arrangiert und auf CD aufgenommen. Die zugehörige Notenausgabe für gemischten Chor SATB mit Klavierbegleitung ist bei Schott Music erschienen (Georg Kreisler - Lieder und Chansons, ED 22737). Ergänzend dazu sind Einzelausgaben aller Lieder aus dem Notenalbum erhältlich: Was tun, wenn man unsterblich in eine bereits vergebene Frau verliebt ist? Da hilft nur eins: die Herzdame möge bitte zur Waffe greifen und sich des unwillkommenen Ehemanns entledigen. Der perfekte Weg zum Glück? Please, shoot your husband! Dieses ansprechende Arrangement mit Kreislers humoristischem Text sorgt im Konzert garantiert für ausgelassene Stimmung.
Please, shoot your husband
Chorale SATB

$4.99 4.77 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Female choir (SSAA) and piano - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q48882 Georg Kreisler - Lieder und Chansons. Composed by Georg Kreisler. Arranged by Bernhard Hofmann. This edition: choral score. Georg Kreisler für Chor. Downloadable, Choral score. Duration 6 minutes, 30 seconds. Schott Music - Digital #Q48882. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q48882). German.Georg Kreisler – das ist scharfer, tiefsinnig schwarzer Humor! Die Singphoniker haben Georg Kreislers bekannteste Lieder für Männerensemble arrangiert und auf CD aufgenommen. Die zugehörige Notenausgabe für Frauenchor SSAA mit Klavierbegleitung ist bei Schott Music erschienen (Georg Kreisler - Lieder und Chansons, ED 22736). Ergänzend dazu sind Einzelausgaben aller Lieder aus dem Notenalbum erhältlich: Der schöne Heinrich spannt allen Wiener Kleinbürgern die Frauen aus. Aber wie macht er das nur? Daran, dass er die Suppe nicht schlürft, wird festgestellt, kann es wohl nicht liegen. Dieses ansprechende Arrangement mit Kreislers humoristischem Text sorgt im Konzert garantiert für ausgelassene Stimmung.
Der schöne Heinrich
Chorale SSAA

$7.99 7.63 € Chorale SSAA PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soprano and organ - intermediate - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q7204 Variations on an English Hymn. Composed by Naji Hakim. This edition: Sheet music. Downloadable. Duration 6 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q7204. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q7204). Naji Hakim, geboren 1955 in Beirut, gehört zu den bedeutendsten Organisten und Orgelkomponisten der Gegenwart. Er studierte bei Jean Langlais am Conservatoire in Paris und war von 1985-93 Organist an Sacré-Coeur in Paris, anschließend als Nachfolger Messiaens an der Basilika SteTrinité. Er konzertiert weltweit, wirkt als Professor am Conservatoire in Boulogne und hat eine Gastprofessur an der Royal Academy in London. Der Variationszyklus Amazing Grace verwendet als Thema den traditionellen englischen Song New Britain, dem ein christlicher Text des englischen Dichters John Newton (1725-1807) zugrunde liegt. Dieser war zeit seines Lebens als Sklavenhändler tätig, wurde aber gegen Ende seines Lebens bekehrt, kämpfte gegen den Sklavenhandel und wirkte als Prediger für die englische Kirche. In seinem Lied Amazing Grace (Erstaunliche Gnade) dankt er für die wundersame Bekehrung und beschreibt sie als Gnade Gottes. Hakim komponierte die Variationen für Orgel solo (ED 20862) und für Sopran und Orgel (ED 20831).
Amazing Grace

$17.99 17.19 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Full Orchestra - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1375804 Composed by French Canadian Carol and Gustav Holst. Arranged by Mark R Lewis. Christmas,Holiday,Religious,Sacred,Traditional. 70 pages. Mark R Lewis #960352. Published by Mark R Lewis (A0.1375804). In Bleak Midwinter's Moonlight is a medley of two Christmas carols, In the Bleak Midwinter and Twas in the Moon of Wintertime. The first carol was originally written as a poem by Christina Rossetti and published in 1872. It has been set to music several times, but the tune most associated with the text, Cranham, was composed in 1906 by Gustav Holst. The second carol is a French-Canadian Christmas carol first written by a Jesuit missionary in 1642. This tune is also called the Huron Carol.This medley is written for orchestra with 3-5 octave bell choir and goes back and forth between the two carols several times. Every time the carol changes there is a key change, sometimes between related major and minor keys and sometimes between two closely related keys. The melody is carried by the low, middle, and high ranges of the bells at some point in the piece and the accompanying voices are quite active throughout most of arrangement. Within the orchestra parts, the melody switches between woodwinds, brass, and strings several times, exploring several different sound colors throughout the piece.In Bleak Midwinter's Moonlight is between the level 3 and level 4 range of difficulty. There are definitely passages that will require work and the multiple key changes require multiple handbell changes, but bell changes are never very abrupt and accidentals only happen in the transition passages. The most difficult part will probably be making sure the melody is always heard even when it is buried below active accompaniment. A few times the bass bells have quick passages that will require sharing of bells or a lot of practice. For orchestra, this piece should be playable by most intermediate players, though some brass parts push the comfortable extremes of the instrument.
In Bleak Midwinter's Moonlight - Full Orchestra

$34.99 33.44 € Orchestre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Handbell - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1284591 Composed by William Gardiner. Arranged by Mark R Lewis. Classical,Folk,Sacred,Traditional. Score. 8 pages. Mark R Lewis #875766. Published by Mark R Lewis (A0.1284591). The text for Take Up Thy Cross was written by the hymnwriter Charles W. Everest and has several tunes associated with it. The tune used here is variably referred to as Germany or Gardiner, after the most common arranger. The tune was actually composed by the famous German composer Beethoven but the most common arrangement of the tune was by William Gardiner in his volumes known as Sacred Melodies. The tune is also used by some schools for their alma mater song. The tune is also used for the hymn Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life.This arrangement of the tune is for 3 to 5 octave handbell choir and utilizes handchimes extensively. It also starts with the singing bell technique. While the changes between bells and chimes are a little abrupt and there are steady eighth note patterns through much of the piece, it is not too difficult and is comfortably in the 3 difficulty range.Season: GeneralRange: 3-5 octaves.
Take Up Thy Cross

$3.99 3.81 € Cloches PDF SheetMusicPlus

Handbell - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1358497 Composed by French Canadian Folk Song and Gustav Holst. Arranged by Mark R Lewis. Christmas,Folk,Holiday,Sacred,Traditional. Score. 8 pages. Mark R Lewis #942954. Published by Mark R Lewis (A0.1358497). In Bleak Midwinter's Moonlight is a medley of two Christmas carols, In the Bleak Midwinter and Twas in the Moon of Wintertime. The first carol was originally written as a poem by Christina Rossetti and published in 1872. It has been set to music several times, but the tune most associated with the text, Cranham, was composed in 1906 by Gustav Holst. The second carol is a French Canadian Christmas carol first written by a Jesuit missionary in 1642. This tune is also called the Huron Carol.This medley is written for 3-5 octave bell choir and goes back and forth between the two carols several times. Every time there is a key change, sometimes between related major and minor keys, and sometimes between two closely related keys. The melody is carried by the low, middle, and high ranges of the bells at some point in the piece and the accompanying voices are quite active throughout most of arrangement.In Bleak Midwinter's Moonlight is between the level 3 and level 4 range of difficulty. There are definitely passages that will require work and the multiple key changes require multiple handbell changes, but bell changes are never very abrupt and accidentals only happen in the transition passages. The most difficult part will probably be making sure the melody is always heard even when it is buried below active accompaniment. A few times the bass bells have quick passages that will require sharing of bells or a lot of practice.Season: ChristmasRange: 3-5 octaves.
In Bleak Midwinter's Moonlight

$3.99 3.81 € Cloches PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1462364 By The computer. By Unknown. Arranged by Manuela Rosa. Christian,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 7 pages. Manuela #1041121. Published by Manuela (A0.1462364). Für Orgel manualiter bzw. Piano gesetzt, geeignet für den Gottesdienstder Schwerpunkt liegt auf einfachem Notensatz als Begleitung für die singende Gemeindedrei Tonarten (D, C, B-Dur)gesetzt mit LilypondWarum Lilypond? Die modernen, mit Computerprogrammen gesetzten Noten wirken irgendwie steril. Lilypond bringt die Ästhetik der historischen Notendruckkunst auf den Computer.organ sheet music with text, manualiter; religious song; german; Gotteslob 196for church servicesmultiple key signaturesversions in three key signatures (D, C, Bb major); engraved with Lilypondaudio sample generated by computerWhy engrave with Lilypond? Computer engraved music looks somehow sterile.LilyPond is a music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible. It brings the aesthetics of traditionally engraved music to computer printouts. LilyPond is free software.
Heilig, heilig, heilig, Herr, Gott der Mächte (Gotteslob 196)
The computer
$2.00 1.91 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Organ - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1476095 By The computer. By Unknown. Arranged by Manuela Rosa. Christian,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 6 pages. Manuela #1053627. Published by Manuela (A0.1476095). Für Orgel manualiter bzw. Piano gesetzt, geeignet für den Gottesdienstder Schwerpunkt liegt auf einfachem Notensatz als Begleitung für die singende Gemeindedrei Tonarten (C, D, B-Dur)gesetzt mit LilypondWarum Lilypond? Die modernen, mit Computerprogrammen gesetzten Noten wirken irgendwie steril. Lilypond bringt die Ästhetik der historischen Notendruckkunst auf den Computer.organ sheet music with text, manualiter; religious song; german; Gotteslob 522for church servicesmultiple key signaturesversions in three key signatures (C, D, Bb major); engraved with Lilypondaudio sample generated by computerWhy engrave with Lilypond? Computer engraved music looks somehow sterile.LilyPond is a music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible. It brings the aesthetics of traditionally engraved music to computer printouts. LilyPond is free software.
Maria aufgenommen ist (Gotteslob 522)
The computer
$2.00 1.91 € Orgue PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1213363 Composed by American Folk Hymn. Arranged by Mark R Lewis. A Cappella,Folk,Religious,Sacred,Traditional. Octavo. 12 pages. Mark R Lewis #810549. Published by Mark R Lewis (A0.1213363). What Wondrous Love Is This is an American folk hymn that became popular during the early 1800s. It was first published in 1811 in the various hymnbooks that came out during the Second Great Awakening with various lyricists credited. Many publications attributed the song's tune to The Ballad of Captain Kidd, a popular, though much older, song and tune at the time. Earlier versions of the text are slightly different, but as with many folk tunes, it is difficult to tell which transcriptions are regional variants and which are errors by the transcriber.This arrangement of the tune by Mark Lewis is for a cappella SATB Ensemble. All four voice parts are featured for a verse with different accompaniment each time. There are key changes to better place the melody in the ranges of each voice and there are moving notes in many background voices through most of the piece. As with many of Mark's arrangements, the outer voices will be pushed towards the extremes of their ranges even though the notes and rhythms are not incredibly difficult. Most intermediate choirs should enjoy performing this piece.
What Wondrous Love Is This - SATB Ensemble
Chorale SATB

$1.99 1.9 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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