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Mixed choir (SSAATTBB) a cappella - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q24045 After the motet Lay a garland. Composed by Robert Lucas de Pearsall. Arranged by Tobias Brommann. This edition: choral score. Schott Choral Music. Downloadable, Choral score. Schott Music - Digital #Q24045. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q24045). Latin.Der 1795 geborene Robert Lucas de Pearsall gilt als einer der Wegbereiter des Cäcilianismus, einer kirchenmusikalischen Restaurationsbewegung mit Rückbesinnung auf den aus Renaissance und Barock überlieferten A-cappella-Stil. Auch bei seiner weltlichen Motette Lay a garland für achtstimmigen Chor a cappella (SSAATTBB) lässt sich der Hang des Komponisten zum Kathedralklang nicht leugnen. Umso dankenswerter ist es, dass sich Tobias Bromann, seines Zeichens Kantor am Berliner Dom, dieses exquisiten Chorsatzes angenommen und ihn in seiner Umformung zu einem Kyrie nun auch kirchenmusikalischen Zwecken zugänglich gemacht hat. Dabei fügt sich der Kyrie-Text wie selbstverständlich in die flächige Polyphonie und die schwebenden Harmonien dieser geradezu meditativen Vokalkomposition ein. Ein wunderbares Stück Chorliteratur, das ganz auf renaissancehafte Klanglichkeit ausgerichtet ist.

$4.99 4.77 € Chorale SSAATTBB PDF SheetMusicPlus

SATB Choir, piano, C instrument - Early Intermediate - Digital Download SKU: XA.9798889835066 Composed by Evelyn R. Larter. Christian. Augsburg Choral Library. Octavo. 12 pages. Augsburg Fortress - Digital #9798889835066. Published by Augsburg Fortress - Digital (XA.9798889835066). 7 x 10.25 inches.This classic Lenten text is set to a Cornish folk tune by Evelyn R. Larter in an easy-medium SATB anthem with piano and C-instrument accompaniment. The lyrical folk tune is paired with poignant harmonic writing, giving new expression and depth to the poetry. A hint of the familiar ST. CHRISTOPHER tune can be heard in a center section while staying in the harmonic character of the anthem. Particularly useful during Lent and Holy Week.
Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Chorale SATB

$2.75 2.63 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Mixed choir (SATB) and orchestra - Digital Download SKU: S9.Q3162 Für gemischten Chor und Orchester. Composed by Hans Werner Henze. This edition: study score. Music Of Our Time. Downloadable, Study score. Duration 55 minutes. Schott Music - Digital #Q3162. Published by Schott Music - Digital (S9.Q3162). German.The theme of Henze’s Ninth Symphony is his German homeland as he remembers it during the days of his youth and during the war years. He has written this work in homage to all the people who fought back against the oppression of the Third Reich and sacrificed their lives for freedom of thought. Hans-Ulrich Treichel adapted the text from a poem by Anna Seghers. Henze has called the symphony ‘an apotheosis of the terrible and the painful’. The pinnacle of his prolific and varied œuvre, it is worlds apart from ‘Freude schöner Götterfunken’.My Ninth Symphony deals with my German homeland – as it appeared to me when I was a young man, during the war, and even earlier. Instead of hymning joy, the beautiful divine spark, the men and women of my Ninth Symphony spend the evening conjuring up a world of horror and persecution that is still with us today and that continues to cast its shadows over us. Hans Werner Henze3 (2. auch Picc., 3. auch Picc. u. Altfl.) · 3 (2. auch Ob. d'am., 3. auch Engl. Hr.) · Heckelphon · 3 (2. auch Kb.-Klar., 3. auch Bassklar.) · 3 (3. auch Kfg.) - 6 · 4 · 5 (1. Alt-, 2. u. 3. Tenor-, 4. Bass-, 5. Kb.-Pos.) · 1 (im 6. Satz Kb.-Tb.) - P. S. (3 hg. Beck. [h./m./t.] · Beckenpaar · 3 Tamt. [h./m./t.] · 3 Tomt. [h./m./t.] · 3 Bong. [h./m./t.] · Tamb. · kl. Tr. · gr. Tr. [mit und ohne Beck.] · Woodbl. · Metallbl. · hg. Glasplättchen · Kast. · Mar. · Guiros [normal und sehr groß] · Ratsche · Peitsche · Amboss · Donnerblech · Bronzeplatte · Polizeipf. [Trillerpf.] · Sir. · 3 Flex. [verschiedene Tonhöhen] · Tempelbl. · Crot. · Röhrengl. · chin. Gongs · Glsp. · Vibr. · Marimba) (7 Spieler) - Hfe. · Cel. · Klav. · Org. (nur im 6. Satz) - Str.
Sinfonia N. 9
Chorale SATB

$55.99 53.5 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.957864 Composed by John Horigan. Christian,Sacred. Octavo. 9 pages. John R Horigan #2022525. Published by John R Horigan (A0.957864). Many works have been written about the first loaves and fishes miracle in the Bible, but very few (if any) have been written about the second. The text (and title) of this piece are derived from the Gospel of St. Mark, 8:1 telling of the second loaves and fishes miracle. This passage is used as the Gospel reading in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer for the seventh Sunday after Trinity. This piece can also convert to be accurate for the first miracle as well by changing the word Seven to Five, 4 thousand to 5 thousand, and the amount of basket left over to 12.
Seven Loaves and Some Fishes
Chorale SATB

$2.29 2.19 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

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