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Full Orchestra - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1518051 By Zsigmond Rosarion. By Zsigmond Rosarion. 21st Century,Christian,Classical,Contemporary. 57 pages. Zsigmond Rosarion #1092214. Published by Zsigmond Rosarion (A0.1518051). The Valley of the Dry Bones is based off of the chapter in Ezekiel The Valley of the Dry Bones (from the Bible) symbolizes the Israelites' revival and God's power and sovereignty Ezekiel 37:1-6The hand of the Lord was upon me, and He brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley; and it was full of bones. He caused me to pass among them round about, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley; and lo, they were very dry. He said to me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, You know. Again He said to me, Prophesy over these bones and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones, Behold, I will cause breath [spirit] to enter you that you may come to life. I will put sinews on you, make flesh grow back on you, cover you with skin and put breath in you that you may come alive; and you will know that I am the Lord.Ezekiel is called by the Lord, and given a vision. Ezekiel is set down in a valley full of bones. This is not some symbolic imagery, but these are literally dead people, long dead. God asks Ezekiel if he believes the bones can come back to life, and Ezekiel says only the Lord knows. God gives Ezekiel a prophesy concerning all the dead. At a future date, God will cause breath (His Spirit) to enter the bones so that they may come to life. God will use His power (which is always through the Spirit of God) to cause these dead to be resurrected. We know this isnt symbolic of spiritual death and spiritual life because of the graphic imagery that is used.
The Valley of the Dry Bones
Zsigmond Rosarion
$39.99 38.21 € Orchestre PDF SheetMusicPlus

Brass Quintet Horn,Trombone,Trumpet,Tuba - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1419806 By Fiona Alice Hickie. By Fiona Alice Hickie. Arranged by Fiona Alice Hickie. 21st Century,Chamber,Classical,Latin. 17 pages. Fiona Alice Hickie #1001228. Published by Fiona Alice Hickie (A0.1419806). A piece for brass quintet based on the poem by the same name. It is a slow piece is a South American style.Based on the poem: Lyrics: 1. My roots once clung to the earth, The wind is calm the river still. As if nothing else survives. My world is empty, am I alive? From my limbs a fruit was plucked, Within its sheath my heart was tucked. Its seeds contained my unknown future, Inside a flesh so sweet and pure. 2. Would my seeds find a place to fall? Nice fertile ground so they'd grow tall. Or would they find some barren ground. Where no love or nurture can be found? Without the fruit my limbs were bare. An old tree nearby just stood and stared. Why should it stop and help the tree Who let its fruit be taken from thee. 3. About the charmer who took the fruit? Should he help to make them grow? Instead he walked right off the land. With barely a wave of his hand. He bit the apple as he walked away. Enjoying its flesh but did not stay. No care at all for the damage he’d done He took the heart from his loved one. 4. So grow another fruit you say. And yes that would be the logical way. But some trees grow abundant fruit. Small and nice without dispute. Others instead grow one to perfection. Round and sweet, on close inspection. But once it’s gone then that is all. Then no more shall ever fall. 5. I sit here on the barren hill, The wind is calm the river still. As if nothing else survives. The world is empty no soul survives. Dedicated to Ben van den Akker.
I Sit Here on the Barren Hill
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba
Fiona Alice Hickie
$13.99 13.37 € Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompettes, Cor, trombone, tuba PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.738138 Composed by Fiona Hickie. Contemporary,Standards. Score. 7 pages. Fiona Alice Hickie #4853343. Published by Fiona Alice Hickie (A0.738138). A song about loss of love and the devastation it causes to our lives. Lyrics: 1.        My roots once clung to the earth, The wind is calm the river still. As if nothing else survives. My world is empty, am I alive? From my limbs a fruit was plucked, Within its sheath my heart was tucked. Its seeds contained my unknown future, Inside a flesh so sweet and pure. 2. Would my seeds find a place to fall? Nice fertile ground so they'd grow tall. Or would they find some barren ground. Where no love or nurture can be found? Without the fruit my limbs were bare. An old tree nearby just stood and stared. Why should it stop and help the tree Who let its fruit be taken from thee. 3. About the charmer who took the fruit? Should he help to make them grow? Instead he walked right off the land. With barely a wave of his hand. He bit the apple as he walked away. Enjoying its flesh but did not stay. No care at all for the damage he’d done He took the heart from his loved one.   4. So grow another fruit you say. And yes that would be the logical way. But some trees grow abundant fruit. Small and nice without dispute. Others instead grow one to perfection. Round and sweet, on close inspection. But once it’s gone then that is all. Then no more shall ever fall.   5. I sit here on the barren hill, The wind is calm the river still. As if nothing else survives. The world is empty no soul survives.    
I Sit Here On The Barren Hill
Piano, Voix

$4.99 4.77 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Instrumental Duet Guitar,Instrumental Duet,Voice - Digital Download SKU: A0.942097 Composed by Apostolos Paraskevas. 20th Century,Contemporary,Romantic Period,World. Score and parts. 11 pages. Silver Sickle Publications #6104711. Published by Silver Sickle Publications (A0.942097). This guitar and vocal work were originally set on the Robert Frost poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’, and was written for a lecture series at Boston University given by Lukas Foss entitled ‘Words on Music. Some years later I set out to publish the work and found that the estate of the late R. Frost frowned upon this particular practice and after a second failed attempt to get permission to publish the work, I decided to write my own verse for this composition (my first actually) and use a subject familiar to me, the story of Daedalus and Icarus Journey to freedom.After his arrival in Crete, Daedalus found that Minos would not let him leave. He subsequently obtained wax and feathers and fashioned wings for himself and his son Icarus. With these they succeeded in flying away, but Icarus, flying too near to the sun, melted his wings, fell into the sea near Crete, and drowned; Daedalus escaped to Italy only to fall into the hands of the local King Kokalos who drowned him in hot water.   The Daedalus and Icarus JourneyEscape from here is what I’ll doI have a plan I thought it throughThe waves beneath us deadly wildI’ll fly up high, it’s just the sky That was a dreadful thing to sayTo fly so high, you can’t survive.Your wings, your soul and frozen smile,The sun will burn and you will die. The Death you seek I am sure you’ll get,He’s there for you he won’t forget.He will be fast and kind with you,If He survived why not you too? It’s time to go the sky gets blueMy mind will be so close to youYou cannot scare me I have to try,The time is right, let’s say goodbye. Text by Apostolos Paraskevas
The Daedalus and Icarus Journey

$8.99 8.59 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir (SATB) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612217 Composed by Stephen DeCesare. Christian,Christmas,Easter,Praise & Worship,Sacred. Octavo. 145 pages. Exultet Music #3629757. Published by Exultet Music (A0.612217). This collection of songs for solos, SATB with Piano accompaniment are all based on the Gospel of John.  Performed in a variety of styles (Contemporary Christian, Praise and Worship, Folk, etc) these pieces can be performed in its entirety or individually.  These can be used in a concert form or as part as worship.  Songs included:  Of The Father's Love Begotten, At The Name Of Jesus, I Am The Bread Of Life, The Light Of Life, I Met The Good Shepherd, Alas, And Did My Savior Bleed, Love One Another, Will You Come To The Cross, Come Holy Spirit, God and Lord, Remain In My Love, O Mother, Most Afflicted, The Clouds Of Night Are Passed Away.   .
The Word Made Flesh (for Solos and SATB)
Chorale SATB

$25.00 23.89 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir - Level 1 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1253675 Composed by Bernard Sexton. Celtic,Christian,Contemporary,Easter,Irish,Praise & Worship. Octavo. 6 pages. Trinity Music Press #847302. Published by Trinity Music Press (A0.1253675). Where Two or Three are GatheredBased on Matthew 18; 15-20 and Ubi Caritas for assembly/ unison or assembly+ SATB . There is also C instrument part. Use: Holy Thursday/ Mandatum/ Communion Where two three are gathered, gathered in my nameThere am I among them, there am I with themWhere charity and love are, God is always thereIn Christ’s name we gather, united by his loveWe exult in God’s presence and in him we find great joyLet us pay him homage, let us love the living GodThough united as one body, may we too be of one mindMay we turn from evil, may God be in our midstMay we see your face in glory, with the saints, O Christ, our GodBoundless is your goodness that endures from age to age 
Where Two or Three are Gathered

$1.99 1.9 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Solo - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1282697 By Stan Getz & Astrud Gilberto. By Antonio Carlos Jobim, Norman Gimbel, and Vinicius De Moraes. Arranged by Thomas Gunther. Jazz,Latin,Standards. Score. 2 pages. Thomas Gunther Music Productions #873912. Published by Thomas Gunther Music Productions (A0.1282697). This is my (Thomas Gunther) Piano Solo Arrangement of the famous Brazilian song The Girl From Ipanema by Antonio Carlos Jobim.The Girl From Ipanema is such a beautiful song that I thought it would be nice to write a piano solo arrangement for it, so that non-jazz pianists can play it too. This said, I am convinced that many jazz musicians will find this arrangement interesting and maybe even challenging, when performed exactly as written. It could also serve them as a blueprint for how to arrange samba tunes for solo piano.If there is one song that comes to mind when thinking about Brazilian music, it is probably this song. For most Jazz musicians it is the ultimate bossa nova standard.I truly hope you enjoy this arrangement! And should you be a piano teacher, this arrangement is a great way to introduce your students to Brazilian music, speaking from my own experience.
The Girl From Ipanema (garôta De Ipanema)
Piano seul
Stan Getz & Astrud Gilberto
$5.99 5.72 € Piano seul PDF SheetMusicPlus

Small Ensemble Choir,Voice - Digital Download SKU: A0.961991 Composed by Ma Shui Long 馬水龍. Contemporary. Score and parts. 47 pages. SpringAutumnmusic #47107. Published by SpringAutumnmusic (A0.961991). 《無形的神殿》,管弦樂與男聲大合唱     2003年11月間一個美好的機緣,參與文化總會中部辦公室路寒袖先生所推展的「玉山學」,造訪了台灣精神聖地,體驗群嶽之冠「玉山」的雄偉與寬容。誠如作家路寒袖先生所言:「無論登頂與否,既入山中,即為山所包容」。的確,登山不僅是觀賞美景讚嘆山的壯麗與險峻,而更重要的在空靈的山中隱藏禪機,讓我們學習到真正的謙卑。當作曲者親臨時刻,心中卻一片茫然而無語,瞬間,想起詩人李魁賢先生一首詩作「無形的神殿」言:   我高高在上   不在乎看得遠   遠方茫茫   什麼也看不見   我堅持冷   靜我內部岩層的    世界,我獨立   在喧囂的紅塵外   熱氣騰騰的人   來我這裡無形的神殿   回到世間還是熱氣騰騰    什麼也沒體會   作曲者經詩人李魁賢先生的同意,借用詩名「無形的神殿」作為本曲之標題,譜寫作曲者親臨拜訪「玉山」,心中的悸動與感受。本曲創作素材中,亦引用幾首鄒族與布農族原住民之歌,在男生大合唱與管弦樂交織中,分為(一)夜話排雲(二)日出(三)祭神等三大部份,以連樂章形式呈現。 ※(1)本曲為邱再興文教基金會委託創作之作品,完成於2005~2006年,2007年12月中旬分別於台中國立台灣交響樂團演奏廳、高雄市文化中心至德堂及台北國家音樂廳,指揮家邱君強指揮國立台灣交響樂團及台北愛樂合唱團聯合舉行世界首演。 (2)鄒族與布農族之歌旋律,資料來自於雲門舞集及浩恩出版社(高山的禮讚)所出版之CD,並由我的作曲學生蔡欣微聽寫整理提供,在此一併表示感謝之意。 The Invisible Temple - for male chorus and orchestra    In November 2003, by a chance of attending the Yushan Studies offered by Mr. Han-Hsu Lu at the General Association of Culture, the composer then visited the highest mountain and also the Holy spirit land of Taiwan, Yushan, and experienced its sublime grandeur. Just as Mr. Lu has said: No matter whether you climb to the top of the mountain or not, we are all embraced by it. It is true that we admire it not only for its great majesty and steep scenery, but, more importantly, for the spiritual meaning behind it, from which we learn humility. When visiting the mountain, the composer was moved to be lost and speechless, and soon reminded of the poem by the poet Kuei-Shien Lee, The Invisible Temple, as follows: I stand high, having no fear of seeing very far. It is blurry far away from here, and nothing can’t be seen. I insist on coldness, silencing the world in my inner rock strata. I am independent of the uproarious world of mortals. Those who are frantic come here, the invisible temple. Still frantic, they return to the world, without appreciating anything. With Lee’s consent, the title of the poem was applied to this work, to represent the composer’s feelings of visiting the Yu-shan Mountain. In this work, several songs from the aboriginal Tsou and Bunun tribes are adopted for the large male chorus and orchestra. It comprises three parts: 1. The talk in the night staying at the Inn Paiyun, 2. The Sunrise, and 3. The Worship, which are to be performed attacca (without pause or interruption). P.S. 1. The work was commissioned by Chew’s Culture Foundation, and was composed in 2005-2006. In December 2007, it was premiered by Chun-Chiang Chiu conducting the Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra and the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus at the Kaohsiung City Cultural Center and the National Concert Hall in Taipei, respectively. 2. The source of the folk melodies of Tsou and Bunun tribes is from the CD released by the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan and.
《無形的神殿》管弦樂與男聲大合唱 The Invisible Temple - for male chorus and orchestr

$44.99 42.99 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano Accompaniment - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1105093 By David Kai. By David Kai. Arranged by David Kai. Christian,Contemporary. Full Performance. Duration 176. David Kai #708339. Published by David Kai (A0.1105093). This contemporary hymn of comfort is based on Isaiah 41:10. Words and Music: David Kai © 2021 Chorus: Fear not, for I am with you, Be not dismayed, for I am near, I will strengthen, I will help you, Uphold you, cast away your fear. In the night of weeping I am with you, Holding ‘til you reach the morning bright, In the day of storms I am beside you, Guiding ‘til you find the rainbow’s light. Chorus: Enemies surround you, do not fear them, They can never harm the hope within, Friends will soon abound to hold, support you, Love in just community will win. Chorus: Cruelty and selfishness astound you; When will we perceive the kindom come? All the world’s injustices confound you, We shall overcome working as one. Chorus:.
Fear Not, For I Am With You
Accompagnement Piano
David Kai
$1.99 1.9 € Accompagnement Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Electric Bass Guitar,Flute,Piano Accompaniment - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1105095 By David Kai. By David Kai. Arranged by David Kai. Christian,Contemporary. Accompaniment. Duration 163. David Kai #708341. Published by David Kai (A0.1105095). This contemporary hymn of comfort is based on Isaiah 41:10. This version can be used to accompany a soloist or congregation. Words and Music: David Kai © 2021 Chorus: Fear not, for I am with you, Be not dismayed, for I am near, I will strengthen, I will help you, Uphold you, cast away your fear. In the night of weeping I am with you, Holding ‘til you reach the morning bright, In the day of storms I am beside you, Guiding ‘til you find the rainbow’s light. Chorus: Enemies surround you, do not fear them, They can never harm the hope within, Friends will soon abound to hold, support you, Love in just community will win. Chorus: Cruelty and selfishness astound you; When will we perceive the kindom come? All the world’s injustices confound you, We shall overcome working as one. Chorus:.
Fear Not, For I Am With You (instrumental)
David Kai
$1.99 1.9 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1180571 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Chamber,Contemporary. Score. 44 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #780475. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.1180571). John Cage and I share the same birthday: September 5th. He was born in 1912 and my birth year is 1945. There must be some cosmological link between us because he has always intrigued me - philosophically and musically. Recently I was in my colleague Prof. Jeremiah McGrann's office waiting for him to join me for a martini lunch after a day of teaching. I noticed on his desk a hardcover copy of John Cage I-VI. I asked what it was and he said it is John Cage's Charles Elliot Norton Lecture he gave at Harvard University in 1988-89. I looked inside and there were these mesostics. Very sparsely distributed on each page, and it looked fascinating, like some hieroglyphic art. I was immediately intrigued by it and thought right on the spot that I should buy a copy and maybe create a song cycle from the texts. Upon further research, I found out that John Cage compiled the content for his lecture using excerpts from works by Thoreau, Emerson, Wittgenstein, McLuhan, Buckminster Fuller, plus passages from The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor and The New York Times. He then created the final text for his lecture by using chance operations with the assistance of a computer program that he created. And so I did the unthinkable, create a song cycle of words that has no meaning nor narrative in the traditional sense. Quoting John Cage: I have nothing to say, I am saying it, and that is poetry. John Cage I-VI (2023) is in six movements, scored for soprano and piano.
John Cage I-VI (2023)
Piano, Voix

$9.99 9.55 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1180574 Composed by Thomas Oboe Lee. 20th Century,Chamber,Contemporary. Score. 24 pages. Thomas Oboe Lee #780478. Published by Thomas Oboe Lee (A0.1180574). John Cage and I share the same birthday: September 5th. He was born in 1912 and my birth year is 1945. There must be some cosmological link between us because he has always intrigued me - philosophically and musically. Recently I was in my colleague Prof. Jeremiah McGrann's office waiting for him to join me for a martini lunch after a day of teaching. I noticed on his desk a hardcover copy of John Cage I-VI. I asked what it was and he said it is John Cage's Charles Elliot Norton Lecture he gave at Harvard University in 1988-89. I looked inside and there were these mesostics. Very sparsely distributed on each page, and it looked fascinating, like some hieroglyphic art. I was immediately intrigued by it and thought right on the spot that I should buy a copy and maybe create a song cycle from the texts. Upon further research, I found out that John Cage compiled the content for his lecture using excerpts from works by Thoreau, Emerson, Wittgenstein, McLuhan, Buckminster Fuller, plus passages from The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor and The New York Times. He then created the final text for his lecture by using chance operations with the assistance of a computer program that he created. And so I did the unthinkable, create a song cycle of words that has no meaning nor narrative in the traditional sense. Quoting John Cage: I have nothing to say, I am saying it, and that is poetry. John Cage I-VI (2023) is in six movements, scored for soprano and piano.
John Cage I-VI (2023) piano-vocal score
Piano, Voix

$9.99 9.55 € Piano, Voix PDF SheetMusicPlus

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