Piano - Digital Download SKU: A0.1071369 Arranged by Chris Cooke. Christian,Gospel,Praise & Worship,Sacred. Accompaniment. Duration 7162. Chris Cooke #3004581. Published by Chris Cooke (A0.1071369). This is a recording of the printed piano accompaniment book. (Other Books also available are for flute, clarinet/trumpet, alto sax, French horn, and trombone.) These recordings may also be used for group singing. There is a short introduction, and enough repeats of the verses in case you would like to play or sing them all! While these recordings contain multiple verses, the print version contains only one verse with no introduction. Many hymns are in their original hymnal keys, but if not, they have been adjusted slightly for a better playing range.This is one large file, containing all 50 accompaniments, plus one bonus recording-a harpsichord version of the first piece. For this reason, the cue point is given which is the time in the recording when each hymn occurs so they can be located more easily within this one-hour and 59-minute MP3. For instance, And Can It Be would be found at the 6-minute and 12-second time point. The full list of hymns, with their concert keys, cue points, and length of introduction, is below:All Things Bright and Beautiful (alternate tune, Monk), C,harpsichord; 4-measure introAll Things Bright and Beautiful, piano, cue point: 0:3:06; 4-measure introAnd Can It Be, F; cue point: 0:06:12; 4-measure introAre You Washed in the Blood, G; cue point: 0:09:33; 4-measure introAt Calvary, C; cue point: 0:11:25; 4-measure introBe Thou My Vision, E-flat; cue point: 0:13:44; 4-measure introBlessed Be the Name, A-flat; cue point: 0:15:29; 4-measure introBreathe on Me, Breath of God, F; cue point: 0:17:47; 4-measure introCome, Christians Join to Sing, E-flat; cue point: 0:19:16; 4-measure introFaith is the Victory, E-flat; cue point: 0:21:02; 4-measure introGlory to His Name, G; cue point: 0:23:21; 4-measure introHe Keeps Me Singing, A-flat; cue point: 0:25:40; 4-measure introHeavenly Sunlight, F; cue point: 0:27:58; 4-measure introI Know Whom I Have Believed, A-flat; cue point: 0:29:39; 4-measure introI Love to Tell The Story, A-flat; cue point: 0:32:06; 4-measure introImortal, Invisible, God Only Wise, A-flat; cue point: 0:34:52; 4-measure introIt Is Mine, B-flat; cue point: 0:36:27; 4-measure introJesus Saves, G; cue point: 0:38:22; 4-measure introJoy Unspeakable and Full of Glory, A-flat; cue point: 0:40:22; 4-measure introJust as I am , E-flat; cue point: 0:42:41; 6-measure introLeaning on the Everlasting Arms, A-flat; cue point: 0:46:36; 4-measure introLike a River Glorious F; cue point: 0:48:23; 4-measure introLove Lifted Me, B-flat; cue point: 0:50:32; 4-measure introMy Faith Looks Up to Thee, D; cue point: 0:53:19; 4-measure introNothing But the Blood, A-flat; cue point: 0:55:32; 4-measure introOh How I Love Jesus, A-flat; cue point: 0:57:51; 4-measure introOn Jordan’s Stormy Banks, E-flat; cue point: 0:59:37; 4-measure introPraise Him! Praise Him! F; cue point: 1:01:56; 4-measure introRedeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It, A-flat; cue point: 1:04:14; 4-measure introRejoice, The Lord Is King! C; cue point: 1:05:49; 4-measure introRevive Us Again, F; cue point: 1:07:52; 4-measure introRock of Ages, B-flat; cue point: 1:09:36; 4-measure introSend the Light, F; cue point: 1:10:54; 4-measure introSince I Have Been Redeemed, F; cue point: 1:13:34; 4-measure introSince Jesus Came Into My Heart, G; cue point: 1:16:02; 4-measure introSoftly and Tenderly, F; cue point: 1:18:30; 4-measure introStand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, G; cue point: 1:22:29; 4-measure introStanding on the Promises, B-flat; cue point: 1:24:48; 4-measure introSunshine in My Soul, F; cue point: 1:27:06; 2-measure introThe Old Rugged Cross, B-flat; cue point: 1:29:21; 4-measure in.