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Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1509983 Composed by Sylvan (Sholom) Kalib. Arranged by Benjamin Ayotte, Steven Carryer, and Peter Solomon Gross, Editors. Holiday,Jewish,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 304 pages. Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings #1085185. Published by Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings (A0.1509983). The Day of Rest was commissioned for the Beth Abraham Youth Chorale, Dayton, Ohio, and its director, Hazzan Jerome B. Kopmar, by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Jaffe in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jaffe, Mrs. Albert Abrams, and in memory of Mr. Albert Abrams.Part I: Ll Shabs (Sabbath Evening Service)Lchu NrannKol AdoshemLch DodiAdoshem MlchVshmruShlom AlchemPart II: Shacharis Lshabs (Sabbath Morning Service)Shochein AdTisbrachMimkomchAn AvdShma YisreilLch Adoshem HagdulPart III: Shacharis Lshabs (Contd)PreludeYhi RtzonMi Shes NisimUvnucho YomarPart IV: Musaf Lshabs (Additional Service for the Sabbath)Kdushas MusafNaritzchKdoshMimkomoShma YisreilYimlochLdor VdorYismchuPart V: Motz Shabs (The Conclusion of The Sabbath)PreludeHavdlHamavdilEiliyhu Hanvi.
The Day of Rest for Cantor and SSA Treble Chorus (Piano-Vocal Edition, Ashk'nazic Hebrew Dialect)

$99.99 94.71 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1510019 Composed by Sylvan (Sholom) Kalib. Arranged by Benjamin Ayotte, Steven Carryer, and Peter Solomon Gross, Editors. Holiday,Jewish,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 345 pages. Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings #1085208. Published by Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings (A0.1510019). The Day of Rest was commissioned for the Beth Abraham Youth Chorale, Dayton, Ohio, and its director, Hazzan Jerome B. Kopmar, by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Jaffe in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jaffe, Mrs. Albert Abrams, and in memory of Mr. Albert Abrams.Part I: Ll Shabs (Sabbath Evening Service)Lchu NrannKol AdoshemLch DodiAdoshem MlchVshmruShlom AlchemPart II: Shacharis Lshabs (Sabbath Morning Service)Shochein AdTisbrachMimkomchAn AvdShma YisreilLch Adoshem HagdulPart III: Shacharis Lshabs (Contd)PreludeYhi RtzonMi Shes NisimUvnucho YomarPart IV: Musaf Lshabs (Additional Service for the Sabbath)Kdushas MusafNaritzchKdoshMimkomoShma YisreilYimlochLdor VdorYismchuPart V: Motz Shabs (The Conclusion of The Sabbath)PreludeHavdlHamavdilEiliyhu Hanvi.
The Day of Rest for Cantor and SATB Mixed Chorus (Piano-Vocal Edition, Ashk'nazic Hebrew Dialect)

$99.99 94.71 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Small Ensemble Cello,High Voice,Low Voice,Oboe,Viola,Violin - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.828718 Composed by Leonardo Leo. Arranged by Guido Menestrina. A Cappella. Score and parts. 22 pages. Guido Menestrina #516705. Published by Guido Menestrina (A0.828718). Leonardo Leo - Dixit Dominus a 2 cori, 1741, Quarto movimento Transcribed by Guido Menestrina Celebre compositore e capostipite della bella scuola napoletana del XVIII secolo, nacque a San Vito degli Schiavoni, presso Brindisi, in provincia di Terra d'Otranto. De Leo avrebbe compiuto i suoi studi musicali al conservatorio della Pietà dei Turchini, sotto la direzione di Nicola Fago, soprannominato il tarentino[1]. Girolamo Chigi, maestro di Cappella di San Giovanni in Laterano, allievo e amico di Pitoni, dice che de Leo si recò a Roma e che vi studiò il contrappunto sotto la guida di questo sapiente maestro. Di ritorno a Napoli, de Leo ottenne il posto di secondo maestro al conservatorio della Pietà. Nel 1716 fu nominato organista della cappella reale e l'anno successivo venne designato per occupare il posto di maestro di cappella della chiesa di Santa Maria della Solitaria, per la quale scrisse molta musica. Nel 1719 fece rappresentare la Sofonisba, sua prima opera seria che fu ben accolta e in cui il carattere espressivo del suo talento si faceva già notare. I biografi che sostengono abbia insegnato al conservatorio di Loreto s'ingannano, fu infatti prima al conservatorio della Pietà, poi a quello di Sant'Onofrio, dove ebbe per allievi alcuni dei compositori più illustri del XVIII secolo, come Jommelli e Piccinni. Non morì nel 1743, come dice lo stesso Piccinni, in una breve notizia biografica sul suo maestro, né nel 1742 come afferma Burney, ma nel 1744. Il marchese di Villarosa, riferisce che de Leo sarebbe stato colpito da apoplessia, mentre era intento a scrivere un'aria buffa de La finta frascatana che comincia con queste parole: Voi par che gite/di palo in frasca. Lo si trovò con la testa appoggiata sul suo clavicembalo e si credette, in un primo momento che dormisse, ma in realtà aveva già cessato di vivere. Leo era di taglia media, colorito bruno, occhio vivo e temperamento ardente. Sebbene fosse abitualmente piuttosto serioso, non mancava di urbanità e gentilezza. Infaticabile nella professione, passava spesso la maggior parte delle notti a comporre e si trovava sempre in vena- Amava le sue opere, ma rendeva giustizia al merito dei suoi rivali quando occorreva. Morì rimpianto da tutti, lasciando a lungo il ricordo di sé e delle sue opere, nonché della scuola di cui fu uno dei fondatori. Considerazioni sull'artista Leo condivide col suo predecessore Alessandro Scarlatti e i contemporanei Nicola Porpora, Francesco Durante e Francesco Feo, la gloria di aver fondato la scuola di Napoli, da cui sono usciti, durante tutto un secolo, una moltitudine di compositori drammatici di prim'ordine. Egli stesso fu non soltanto un grande professore, ma un artista dei più dotati. La sua musica da chiesa non ha meno maestà di quella di Durante, tocca il cuore e fa nascere degli slanci di tenera devozione. Il suo Miserere a due cori è una composizione tanto notevole per l'elevatezza dei sentimenti che l'hanno dettata, quanto per la purezza di stile in cui si riconoscono le tracce della scuola cantoria romana in cui studiò. Nella sua musica sacra nello stile accompagnato e concertato, de Leo conserva la semplicità e si fa ammirare per la bellezza dell'espressione, come l'Ave Maris Stella per voce di soprano e orchestra o il Credo a quattro. Egualmente notevole nel genere teatrale, de Leo è sempre nobile, spesso patetico e appassionato ed è con questi mezzi, molto semplici, che perviene a grandi effetti. Piccinni fa i più grandi elogi alle sue opere, e cita in particolare l'aria Misero pargoletto da Demoofonte come modello di espressione drammatica, quest'aria è, in effetti, della più grande bellezza, anche Arteaga è prodigo di elogi verso questo musicista Segui lo spartito qui/Follow the score here: or listen to it on soundcloud: Score includes: - full score - strings part - oboi par.
Leonardo Leo - Dixit Dominus a 2 cori, 1741, Quarto movimento (Quartetto)

$12.99 12.3 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SSA) - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1295545 By Sylvia Miles. By Sylvia Miles. Arranged by Sylvia Miles. Christmas,Medieval,Multicultural,World. 8 pages. Sylvia Miles #885841. Published by Sylvia Miles (A0.1295545). This is one of the oldest extant carols; it has been dated to the C13. There's nothing ancient about its style though, it's full of life, and positively skips along.It may have its origins in the book of Isaiah ch 1 v 3: the ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib.This arrangement is for SSA choir with piano accompaniment and optional violin. If you have a friendly violinist, the violin line adds a real sparkle!People who aren't used to singing in French won't find it too taxing (I hope!) as there's lots of repetition in the verses, and the refrain stays the same.Translation: v1.Between the ox and the grey donkey the little boy sleeps. Ref: A thousand heavenly angels, a thousand seraphim, fly around this great God of love.v2: In Mary's arms sleeps the fruit of life.v3: Between roses and lilies sleeps the divine child.v4: Surrounded by the cheerful shepherds the little boy sleeps.
Entre le Boeuf et l'Ane Gris
Chorale 3 parties
Sylvia Miles
$1.99 1.89 € Chorale 3 parties PDF SheetMusicPlus

Bass Voice,Vocal Solo - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.533416 Composed by Ange Flégier. Concert,Romantic Period,Standards. 12 pages. Musik Fabrik Music Publishing #2913395. Published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing (A0.533416). A setting of a poem by Charles Baudelaire. Edited by Jared Schwartz and Mary Dibbern.Recorded on Ange Flégier: Mélodies for Bass Voice and Piano.Toccata Classics, 2016. In C sharp minor Duration: aprox. 4 minutes 30 secondsHomme libre, toujours tu chériras la mer !La mer est ton miroir ; tu contemples ton âmeDans le déroulement infini de sa lame,Et ton esprit n’est pas un gouffre moins amer.Tu te plais à plonger au sein de ton image ;Tu l’embrasses des yeux et des bras, et ton coeurSe distrait quelquefois de sa propre rumeurAu bruit de cette plainte indomptable et sauvage.Vous êtes tous les deux ténébreux et discrets :Homme, nul n’a sondé le fond de tes abîmes ;Ô mer, nul ne connaît tes richesses intimes,Tant vous êtes jaloux de garder vos secrets !Et cependant voilà des siècles innombrablesQue vous vous combattez sans pitié ni remords,Tellement vous aimez le carnage et la mort,Ô lutteurs éternels, ô frères implacables !
Ange Flégier: L'Homme et La Mer for bass voice and piano
Voix basse, Piano

$10.35 9.8 € Voix basse, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Soprano voice,Vocal Solo - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1185473 Composed by Maurice Ravel. Arranged by Nicole Elyse DiPaolo. Classical,Opera. 6 pages. Nicole Elyse DiPaolo #785149. Published by Nicole Elyse DiPaolo (A0.1185473). The first of its kind, this is a genuinely playable and slightly-to-moderately simplified piano/vocal reduction of Arrière! Je réchauffe les bons, the Fire Aria from Ravel's L'enfant et les sortilèges (1925)​. Sopranos who love this aria no longer need to fear bringing it in for auditions, last-minute performing engagements, or other situations in which the pianist may have to sight-read from the often chaotic vocal score, particularly if the murmuring section after the standard audition cut, which is very poorly rendered in the standard reduction, is also being included. Pianists may now enjoy playing this aria comfortably, without risking strain/injury or audition-room chaos.This Accessible Accompaniment is more generous than standard audition cuts, ending just before L'enfant re-enters with j'ai peur. It is 91 measures in total and ideal for recitals as well. All Accessible Accompaniments, including this one, boast several unique features:1. No reduction ever requires stretches of over an octave, not including bass notes meant to be held or “fudged” with the pedal (though octaves may also contain chord tones within them). This reduces the amount of rearranging that smaller-handed pianists must already do. Obviously, further reworkings are to be expected and pianists should feel free to add to or modify what I’ve provided.2. I’ve included less essential, but potentially desirable additional voices/passages in cue-size noteheads so that pianists can easily see them, but know that they are not necessary in a “sink or swim” accompanying situation. Presenting less essential material in cue-size noteheads also reduces visual clutter on the page. 3. In addition to the composer’s markings, when needed, I have included hints on particular notes to bring out when the singer is likely to need them as a pitch anchor or when it is not obvious which line should be brought out within the texture.4. All page turns have been carefully selected so as to result in the least possible disruption to the pianist when possible. 5. When known, I’ve noted alternate cuts that singers might like to take within certain arias. 6. In some cases I’ve modernized spelling conventions for easier readability (for example, by replacing “ß” with “ss” in German arias) and occasionally I've enharmonically respelled brief passages for greater clarity. I’ve also replaced some text “cresc.” and “dim.” markings with hairpins, which are easier to see in high-pressure sight-reading situations.About the Arranger:Praised as a sensitive pianist and outstanding accompanist who delivers powerful interpretations, Nicole Elyse DiPaolo enjoys a multifaceted career as a sought-after collaborative pianist, educational composer, arranger, coach, private teacher, and adjunct music professor. Currently based in the Cleveland area, Ms. DiPaolo has appeared as a concerto soloist with the Ambassador Chamber Players on multiple occasions and as a recitalist, collaborator, and presenter worldwide. Currently, Ms. DiPaolo is an online Adjunct Lecturer in Music at Indiana University; the Principal Theory Teacher at Liberty Park Music, an online-only video subscription-based music school; an invited blog contributor and guest instructor at Tonebase; and a sought-after online instructor of piano, music theory, and composition who includes partimento and historical improvisation in her curricula. For more information, please visit .
Arrière! Je réchauffe les bons (Fire Aria) - L'enfant et les sortilèges - Accessible Accompaniments
Voix Soprano, Piano

$8.95 8.48 € Voix Soprano, Piano PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1510015 Composed by Sylvan (Sholom) Kalib. Arranged by Benjamin Ayotte, Steven Carryer, and Peter Solomon Gross, Editors. Holiday,Jewish,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 345 pages. Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings #1085204. Published by Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings (A0.1510015). The Day of Rest was commissioned for the Beth Abraham Youth Chorale, Dayton, Ohio, and its director, Hazzan Jerome B. Kopmar, by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Jaffe in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jaffe, Mrs. Albert Abrams, and in memory of Mr. Albert Abrams.Part I: Leil Shabat (Sabbath Evening Service)Lchu NrannaKol AdoshemLcha DodiAdoshem MalachVshamruShalom AleichemPart II: Shacharit Lshabat (Sabbath Morning Service)Shochein AdTitbarachMimkomchaAna AvdaShma YisraeilLcha Adoshem HagdulaPart III: Shacharit Lshabat (Contd)PreludeYhi RatzonMi Sheasa NisimUvnucho YomarPart IV: Musaf Lshabat (Additional Service for the Sabbath)Kdushat MusafNaritzchaKadoshMimkomoShma YisraeilYimlochLdor VadorYismchuPart V: Motza Shabat (The Conclusion of The Sabbath)PreludeHavdalaHamavdilEiliyahu Hanavi.
The Day of Rest for Cantor and SATB MixedChorus (Piano-Vocal Edition, S'fardic Hebrew Dialect)

$99.99 94.71 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

Choral Choir,Choral (SATB Chorus) - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1510542 Composed by Sylvan (Sholom) Kalib. Arranged by Benjamin Ayotte, Steven Carryer, and Peter Solomon Gross, Editors. A Cappella,Holiday,Jewish,Praise & Worship,Religious. 228 pages. Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings #1085740. Published by Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings (A0.1510542). The Day of Rest was commissioned for the Beth Abraham Youth Chorale, Dayton, Ohio, and its director, Hazzan Jerome B. Kopmar, by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Jaffe in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jaffe, Mrs. Albert Abrams, and in memory of Mr. Albert Abrams.Part I: Leil Shabat (Sabbath Evening Service)Lchu NrannaKol AdoshemLcha DodiAdoshem MalachVshamruShalom AleichemPart II: Shacharit Lshabat (Sabbath Morning Service)Shochein AdTitbarachMimkomchaAna AvdaShma YisraeilLcha Adoshem HagdulaPart III: Shacharit Lshabat (Contd)PreludeYhi RatzonMi Sheasa NisimUvnucho YomarPart IV: Musaf Lshabat (Additional Service for the Sabbath)Kdushat MusafNaritzchaKadoshMimkomoShma YisraeilYimlochLdor VadorYismchuPart V: Motza Shabat (The Conclusion of The Sabbath)PreludeHavdalaHamavdilEiliyahu Hanavi.
The Day of Rest for Cantor and SATB Mixed Chorus (A Cappella Vocal Edition, S'fardic Hebrew Dialect)
Chorale SATB

$9.99 9.46 € Chorale SATB PDF SheetMusicPlus

Piano,Vocal,Voice - Level 5 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1509978 Composed by Sylvan (Sholom) Kalib. Arranged by Benjamin Ayotte, Steven Carryer, and Peter Solomon Gross, Editors. Holiday,Jewish,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred. Score. 306 pages. Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings #1085180. Published by Ayotte Custom Musical Engravings (A0.1509978). The Day of Rest was commissioned for the Beth Abraham Youth Chorale, Dayton, Ohio, and its director, Hazzan Jerome B. Kopmar, by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Jaffe in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jaffe, Mrs. Albert Abrams, and in memory of Mr. Albert Abrams.Part I: Leil Shabat (Sabbath Evening Service)Lchu NrannaKol AdoshemLcha DodiAdoshem MalachVshamruShalom AleichemPart II: Shacharit Lshabat (Sabbath Morning Service)Shochein AdTitbarachMimkomchaAna AvdaShma YisraeilLcha Adoshem HagdulaPart III: Shacharit Lshabat (Contd)PreludeYhi RatzonMi Sheasa NisimUvnucho YomarPart IV: Musaf Lshabat (Additional Service for the Sabbath)Kdushat MusafNaritzchaKadoshMimkomoShma YisraeilYimlochLdor VadorYismchuPart V: Motza Shabat (The Conclusion of The Sabbath)PreludeHavdalaHamavdilEiliyahu Hanavi.
The Day of Rest for Cantor and SSA Treble Chorus (Piano-Vocal Edition, S'fardic Hebrew Dialect)

$99.99 94.71 € PDF SheetMusicPlus

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