Small Ensemble Flute,Piano,Voice - Level 3 - Digital Download
SKU: A0.1008082
Composed by Connie Pwll Walck Tyler. Contemporary,Sacred. Score and parts. 14 pages. Connie Tyler #4607671. Published by Connie Tyler (A0.1008082).
This piece, for soprano and alto duet with piano and flute, speaks of the persistence of the dove, the peace maker, faced with war, famine, poverty, etc. It was written when the United States went to war with Afghanistan and Representative Barbara Lee stood up and was the lone voice against war. Although the piece is secular, the use of the symbol of the dove would work well in religious services.
The piece involves a two against three rhythm which suggests the difficulties the dove faces flying for peace against the overwhelming odds of war.
The .mp3 file is computer generated with choral oohs for the voices. The words are:
Now the dove flies, sails the war-torn skies,
feels the wind rip through her wings.
Tossed and turned now, cries of war howl,
tear-ing through her, and she still sings.
Sings to march-ers on crowd-ed streets
sing-ing songs of love and songs of peace.
Tips her wings to those who dare stand tall,
speak re-sound-ing no's in hal-lowed halls.
They say that that sin means to miss the mark.
I have so man-y times aimed in the dark.
We fail in lit-tle ways, be-tray our friends.
It was-n't planned that way.
Dis-trac-tion leads to e-vil ends.
The sha-dow fear clouds our at-ten-tion.
Mind falls a-stray in-to dis-sen-sion.
Ig-no rance can twist the dart
and then it falls far from the mark.
Na-tions, too, a-stray our free-doms bend
‘til some have bombed away all chance at friends.
We see glo-ry mag-ni-fied.
Shout our prais-es to the to the skies.
Build our mon-u-ments to our wars,
for-get-ting the needs of of weak and poor.
And still the dove flies while the earth cries
pol-lu-ted with more de-bris of war.
Child-ren sick now, soldiers cry foul!
Dove is weep-ing and yet she hums.
Hums to child-ren who die
de-spite moth-ers' deep cries.
Sings to young who march to war,
de-spite fa-thers' out-raged roars.
Wings o-ver fa-mine and drought,
pol-lu-ted wa-ter, pol-lu-ted ground.
Folds us un-der her down-y breast.
Warms us in her gen tle nest.
Yes, the dove flies. Sails the wa- torn skies.
Feels the wind rip through her wings.
Tossed and turned now cries of war howl
tear-ing through her and yet,
and yet she sings.
For more information or possible revisions contact Connie Pwll Walck Tyler at You can also find out more about her work at The words are: